Ludovic Orban reveals Polichinelle’s secret: the bureaucracy does not come to Brussels, but from Romanian officials – News sources


Prime Minister Ludovic Orban stated on Thursday, in the “RoInvest” video conference, that many complicated bureaucratic procedures for accessing European funds do not come from European regulations, but come from the minds of many Romanian officials, who are involved in drafting the guidelines. He said the government was trying to simplify access to European funds as much as possible.

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“We need to increase the implementation capacity, we need to simplify the procedures as much as the European Commission allows us. Unfortunately, many complicated bureaucratic procedures do not necessarily come from European regulations or from the requirements that are imposed from the European level in the realization of projects, many formalities come from the minds of many Romanian officials involved in the drafting of the guidelines. Here we try to simplify the access to European funds as much as possible, “said Ludovic Orban, reports

He mentioned that the capacity to implement projects must be increased not only in the public sector, but also in the private sector.

“The implementation capacity for complex projects, such as infrastructure, transportation or health infrastructure projects or including energy infrastructure, obviously we need to increase the capacity at all stages, the implementation capacity, not only in the public sector, but also to identify partners in the private sector. I’ll just give you an example. To carry out the technical-economic documentation of the irrigation plan, for the restoration of the irrigation system and for all the works, obviously we need multiple skills that we must use where they do not exist in the market. There are also issues related to legislation, there are issues related to project management, there are issues related to the fact that often state institutions put the beats in the wheels of other state institutions, but we try to overcome any unreasonable blockages. that appear during the development of the projects ”, transmitted Orban.

He stated that significant progress has been made in the relationship with the European Commission, giving as an example obtaining approval for financing the Sibiu-Piteşti highway.

“I believe that we have shown, both in the relationship with the European Commission and in the functioning of the administrative apparatus, that we have made significant progress. I will give you an example. For six years, no European Commission approval was obtained to finance the section of the Sibiu-Piteşti motorway. In our mandate this approval was obtained thanks to an opening of the European Commission on the one hand, but also to an enormous effort made by the Romanian authorities to comply with the requirements requested at European level and here the European Commission approved the assignment. the amount of more than one billion euros for the construction of the first section of the road that crosses the mountain ”, the prime minister also specified.

He also said that in terms of working capital or investment grants, applications will be online.

“I can also give examples in terms of the implementation of different projects. Only when we talk, for example, of the billion euro grants for working capital or investment, will the applications be online. It will no longer come by paper truck or minibus from paper to request a program and in general almost all the rights that we have granted or the services that we have granted during this period, we try to grant them digitally, online, without physical contact ”, explained the prime minister.
