EU countries are not ready for a second wave


The European Commission is warning EU member states about the possible consequences of a new wave of infections and recommends joint measures to bring new Covid vaccines to market.

Commission representatives claim that EU member states are unprepared to deal with the pandemic, Reuters notes, quoted by Agerpres. “Although the evolution of the pandemic returns to the levels of March, the state of our preparedness does not return.”said the vice president of the EC for the promotion of the European lifestyle, Margaritis Schinas.

He called on the Member States to adopt a common strategy for the new phase of the pandemic and avoid the “cacophony” of the different national measures that characterized the first months of the crisis on the European continent.

Europe reports twice as many Covid-19 cases per day compared to the US.

Another worrying aspect comes from the fact that Europe has reported almost twice as many new cases every day, about 100,000, compared to the United States, which registers more than 51,000 infections.

Testing of COVID vaccines is progressing, with the first doses available, according to the World Health Organization, later this year. In this context, Brussels calls on the Member States to prepare vaccination plans. Health policy is an area of ​​national competence in the EU, and the European Commission can only make recommendations for the adoption of common measures, the cited source also writes.

Hospitals and vaccination centers must be sufficiently staffed, trained and equipped, the EU executive warned. Vaccines should be available primarily to the most vulnerable, including healthcare workers, long-term care workers, people over 60, people with chronic diseases, workers in key sectors and individuals. from disadvantaged socioeconomic categories.

According to an estimate made by the European Commission in July, the number of people in “priority categories” could exceed 200 million, out of a total EU population of 450 million.

Publisher: AA
