Former President of the Constitutional Court, Augustin Zegrean, told Agerpres on Wednesday night that parliamentary elections will take place on December 6 only if President Klaus Iohannis sends the law passed by Parliament for review, following the final of the mandate of the senators and deputies elected in 2016. and if the Parliament does not adopt a new normative act before the date of the election.
The Constitutional Court published this Wednesday the reason for the decision by which the judges rejected the notification of President Klaus Iohannis and the Government on the Law on some measures for the organization of elections to the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, after the termination of the Parliament elected in 2016, showing that the government decision that establishes the date of the parliamentary elections for December 6, although issued in compliance with the law in force on that date, automatically ceases to take effect after the entry into force of the act normative subject to constitutional review, respectively the law approved by Parliament.
“The law has not yet entered into force. It is up to the president, the president has 10 days to enact or still has time to ask Parliament to reconsider the law. If the law enters into force before December 6, everything changes, everything restarts. If the president keeps the law for 10 days and sends it to parliament on October 24, the parliament can mobilize to adopt it very quickly and then the president only has 10 days to publish it again, so it is up to President, the whole story, ”explained Augustin Zegrean.
The normative act adopted by the Parliament stipulates, among other things, that “the date of the elections for the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies that will be organized as a result of the expiration of the mandate of the Parliament, will be exercised on the date of entry into force of this law. at least 60 days before the date of the elections. “
At the end of September, the ICR rejected the notification from President Klaus Iohannis and the Government on the law on some measures to organize the elections to the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, after the end of the mandate of the elected Parliament in 2016.
Publisher: Liviu Cojan