BOMBA on the political scene. Cozmin Guşă, THREE REASONS why the parliamentary elections could be postponed


Political analyst Cozmin Guşă comes up with three reasons why the December parliamentary elections could be postponed.


To be concise, I will not list at the beginning the epic of all the declarations and interests dedicated to the postponement of the parliamentary elections, anyway those of you who are interested in the subject know them. I will present the objective and subjective arguments on which I base my reasoning.


1. The massive spread of COVID has become a phenomenon that can no longer be stopped internally, for lack of VACCINE, DISCIPLINE, CONTROL, nor can it be “stylized” in daily reports to the point of reassuring citizens. , who acquired a behavior and a thought dominated by the PSYCHOSIS OF FEAR. It is enough to do what I do, to listen to their fears in the daily discussions in the streets or the means of public transport or to look again at the empty streets at night, and you will be convinced of the germs of an imminent HISTORY OF CIVIC CONDUCT.

2. Behind the scenes of the chancelleries of world powers or even at the level of the European Commission, the possibility of reaching a TOTAL LOCKDOWN agreement before the end of this year is already being discussed together. The plan would be that, before Christmas 2020, for a month, the states would agree to implement this operation aimed at BLOCKING THE SPREAD OF THE VIRUS, which in the absence of the vaccine can only be operated through this procedure that can limit contacts social. Today it is known that the formalization of the proposal will be made at the WHO level in the first week of November, immediately after the United States vote, and would aim at an agreed blocking interval that will be declared around November 20 and it will last for one month. . If this is the case, it is clear that our elections on December 6 will be almost impossible to organize. Otherwise, the proposal that takes into account a schedule determined by the US elections, is not only necessary, but also FAIR, if we take into account the fact that the ARTIFICIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE PANDEMIC was generated 1 year ago precisely in the perspective of the US electoral event and APUNTA. EXACTLY TRUMP’S BIGGEST ANNOYANCE TO GET A SECOND TERM!

3. The latest news on the vaccine tells us that it will be manufactured and offered to the world by the end of the year or the beginning of the next, 4 large companies are close to completion, with AstraZeneca in pole position, and Romania will be offered around 1, 3 millions. doses from the European Commission, with doctors and vulnerable people as the first beneficiaries.

The main games, no preparation? Backstage games

“NLP LuCOVID and the gang around him want long-term elections, but they have two major problems. The first is related to the expected decrease in polls until December, generated either by the bad government, or by the BOR’s critical offensive against measures to limit attendance at religious events, or the closure of the HoReCA domain, or serious scandals. like Baranga or Manciu. , which will multiply anyway in the coming days. At the same time, the victory claimed in the premises was left “rubble” under the pressure of EVIDENCE ACCUSED OF FRAUD ACCUSED, so it can no longer be used as an electoral “engine”. The second problem is related to the dependence on USR-PLUS for the formation of a post-electoral majority, a dependence that will be even greater since the foreseeable score of the PNL today will be only around 30%. Furthermore, it is already known that the “FRENCH” plusers (but yes!) Will no longer prevail over LuCOVID in the new government, their proposal to be put on Iohannis’ table is Dacian Cioloș. I can add here a terrible internal pressure on liberals generated by the division of eligible seats into lists, the signs of which we can easily see in the present form.

PSD Today, the PSD has no prospect of gaining a seat in the next government in December, and the de facto economic situation still does not demand any abdication by Iohannis of his decision to “eradicate the PSD” from the wheel of the Romanian administration. Therefore, regardless of the outcome of the parliamentary elections, the PSD has no pragmatic reasons to force timely elections. On the contrary, with an adjusted local dowry, thus with an indisputable leadership today, left leaders will coincide in the postponement scenario, with the benefit of waiting for a more favorable context for access to government, including the decline of the liberal government in months. Whats Next. The problems with compiling the lists are also great here in many organizations, and this, coupled with the need to change many county leaderships, will make the PSD see the respite generated by the postponement as an opportunity for internal organizing.

USR-PLUS Even the most favored are not prepared by the parliamentarians to the point that they can objectively expect a success of more than 12-15%, which is still too little for their ambitions and “orders”. In them, the scandal also broke out with the eligible places, but they are the most vulnerable to this type of internal upheaval, precisely because it is not the organization that is its main engine, but ENTHUSIASM, which will decrease substantially even in the face of public complaints that will be. focused on the general public, even with the support of the opposition, ”the political analyst also wrote.

Who decides the postponement

“Today there is no need to complete the list with other arguments, probably others will. It is clear, however, that everything I wrote here is already on the table of analysis of what today is the “MAKER” of the game IOHANNIS, the one who wants it DONE WELL DONE, BUT STRICTLY FOR HIMSELF (!), AND you get hit by all these calculations that block the prospect of a certain profit. He does not even have enough time to vectorize the influences that to guarantee his victory, too many internal and external variables are not under his control.

However, you have at your disposal the text of the Constitution that says in article 63, paragraph 1: “The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate will be elected for a period of 4 years, after their termination.”

So, these days you can have the VISION OF THE LEADERS OF THE ROMANIAN STATE WITH POWER OF DECISION, WHO WILL BE STANDING IN THE LAKE OF COLD WATER, as I advised one of them last night, overwhelmed by the multitude of problems that he has to solve . in an insufficient time interval .. “, concluded Cozmin Guşă.