Americans need to understand how bad things could be with Donald for another four years


Mary Trump, one of the granddaughters of the President of the United States and author of “Too Much and Never Enough. How my family created the most dangerous man in the world ”, he gave an exclusive interview to Digi24 journalist Andreea Popa. Mary Turmp spoke about the American elections, like Donald Trump when the television cameras are not around and about her book.

Andreea Popa: The elections are approaching in the United States. In one of his interviews, he said that in 2016 people didn’t really know Donald Trump. Do I know him now?

Maria Trump: We should, but not all, pay as much attention as we, those of us who enjoy the privilege of time. And we have to understand that a lot of people in America get their information from sources like Fox News that never tell the truth. I was hoping to add another level to the known information about Donald Trump and help people not to understand, because I have seen enough things that have happened, but to help them see why he is the way he is and why. what it does the things it does. And most importantly, from this point on you will never act better, it will only get worse. That was my goal.

You said it wouldn’t get better, it would only get worse. Why?

Donald is the type who has a lot of serious psychological disorders. As far as I know, he has never been treated by any of them. As with any other medical condition that goes untreated, it will get worse. On top of all this, you are under incredible stress, which can aggravate any illness.

What can you tell us about the First Lady? What is your role in the Trump administration compared to Michelle Obama’s role during the Barack Obama presidency?

Honestly, I have no idea what Melania is doing. First of all, I want to say that I don’t think that this person, the so-called First Lady, should have an obligation to do anything, because she is not being paid. It’s not a real job, so it’s okay. The problem is that she supports such a racist, misogynistic and cruel man. I have a problem with that.

Is Donald Trump the type of man to accept defeat? In your opinion, what will President Trump do if Joe Biden wins the election?

Donald cannot accept defeat. So we have to expect Joe Biden to win by a big margin. The reason I’m saying this is because if it’s going to be a victory that can’t be reversed in any way, if it’s going to be such a big difference that no one can tell that he was cheated or that it was a fraud, then Donald will have to do it. . leave, because no one will be able to help you. He himself will not accept anyway. It will keep saying it was stolen or something like that, but that won’t change the situation. But I am concerned about the situation where the results are close.

A few days ago you said that your uncle sees illness as a sign of weakness. Why is this happening?

This comes directly from my grandfather, who had a very strange idea of ​​what a weak person means. Being good weakens you, accepting your mistakes weakens you, but also being physically ill or having an addiction weakens you. Because my grandfather wasn’t even sick for one day of his life – and I’m not kidding, I think he first got sick when he turned 80 – it was very easy for him to stick with this concept. And Donald has learned from a young age that any sign of weakness, even those over which he has no control, is not acceptable. So, I think he’s fed up with the new coronavirus, it’s something that’s very, very, very difficult to accept.

And yet his father, who was the older brother, did not think that the displays of affection were signs of weakness.

No, fortunately for me I did not believe it, but that also meant that I was very vulnerable to the cruelty of my grandfather because he was a good, generous and sensitive man, but also an alcoholic. And all this was perceived as unforgivable and worthy of the most terrible punishments.

What is Donald Trump like when he is not filmed? We all know him from the news as the president of the United States or as a real estate developer. I saw that he also appeared on a reality show, but what is it like when the cameras are not close?

It is exactly the same. Unlike almost everyone I know, it doesn’t change regardless of context. Is very annoying. It does not have a private self.

Can you explain more, please?

Of course. Most of us adapt to the way we behave depending on the situation. I am different, I mean that I am the same person, but I will behave differently in an official interview with someone I see for the first time than what I will behave when they turn off the room and talk to my daughter or friends. . Donald, on the other hand, never changes, no matter who is in the audience or what the circumstances are. And that shows, it is a sign that the person is not well.

I would also like to talk about your book, which is already available in Romania. Those who have not read the English version can look up the Romanian version. When did you decide to write this book and why?

I think it was the fall of 2017. He had given New York Times special reporters Sue Craig and Russ Buettner 40,000 pages, documents that he had forgotten he had. They were from a trial that I participated in with my family 20 years ago. He didn’t even know what kind of information they contained. As it turned out, they proved that Donald was far from a self-made man and that he was never a successful man. I felt for the first time that I had clear evidence. Before the election it would have been my word against their word and I didn’t expect anyone to believe me, but I finally had proof. At that time, the situation in the country was going from bad to worse. I felt like I had to do something to help Americans understand how bad things could be with Donald for another four years.

Why didn’t you try to say something the first time he ran for the White House?

It is a very good question, because it is important that people understand my reasons. In 2016 several things happened. First of all, I’m from New York, I live in New York, and I know Donald. I’ve known him for a lifetime, so it never occurred to me that he might win, because everyone in New York knows that he is a terrible businessman and that he has gone bankrupt several times. I didn’t realize that people outside of New York saw it completely differently. Second, like I said, I had no proof. It would have been just a story, he would have told people that he is mentally ill, who should not be allowed near the White House. I’m not sure you know, but lately, before the election, get rid of anything. His racism and the fact that he admitted in a recording that he frequently attacks women were overlooked. He insulted the war heroes. Actually, I don’t think I could have done anything at the time to make a difference.

Can you win again?

Anyone who has the opportunity has a chance to win. You have a better chance of winning than zero, and that’s scary. That is why we have to do everything in our power to convince those who do not go to the polls to vote and hope that we can survive not only, I don’t even know exactly how long we have left, three and a half weeks, but also in the 79 days from the time of the November elections until the inauguration on January 20.

Have you discussed the idea of ​​writing a book with someone, I mean someone from family or close friends, before starting to write, being aware of the impact this book will have?

I did not speak to anyone in the family because I knew they would disagree. But I did talk to some close friends because it was a difficult book to write. And honestly, she had no way of knowing if he would be able to make a difference. It was risky from this point of view. I’m glad it went well and I hope something changes, but I had no way of knowing two years ago.

Did you have any doubts when writing the book?

No. No. The only thing I was afraid of was that it was irrelevant and that it was all in vain, but I never thought I shouldn’t write it.

We all saw the news. He has been very harshly criticized for this book. The first time the president talked about it, he said it was a mean and naughty book. I would ask you in this context, what is your relationship with your uncle now?

Oh nonexistent. And it’s OK. I mean, I get it. It is not a book to be put in a favorable light. However, she is honest, but I understand why Donald or any other family member would not want to keep in touch with me.

And what was the situation like before writing the book?

Everything changed when my grandparents disinherited me. So I didn’t keep in touch for years. The trial … I went to court about my grandfather’s inheritance. The trial ended in early 2001 and I had no contact until 2009, when for reasons I do not understand, I was invited to my cousin Ivanka’s wedding. After that, the only contact I had with Donald was after another eight years, when I went to the White House for my aunt’s birthday. Meanwhile, the only person I contacted was my aunt, Maryanne.

And how was your interaction with Donald Trump when you were invited to the White House? I know you wrote about that in your book too.

It was … just because he’s always the same, he was fine. What I found interesting was the fact that the first time I saw it, when we walked into the State Dining Room, in the White House. He saw me, smiled at me, pointed his finger at me and said: I especially asked to be invited. Which is not true, but I thought he was kind because he made the effort to lie to me about it. It was a typical moment for Donald.

What are your childhood memories of Donald Trump, because I read in your book that you spent your childhood in your grandparents’ house?

I spent a lot of time there. Donald and my Uncle Robert were either much younger than my father, closer in age to me, or young enough that my brother and my cousin, I would spend time with them. I played soccer with Rob in the yard and every time Donald came over, he played baseball or soccer. It was good. Can’t say we were close, but we got along just fine. But at the same time, I was the youngest and I was a girl. I was the only girl at the time, because Donald’s kids are so much younger than me and they weren’t even in the world then, so they left me behind quite often. We spent a lot of time alone, but other than that we got along well.
