The terrible message of the Dutch extreme right about non-Western patients who “fill” the rooms of ATI | Cristian Unteanu


This time, in concrete terms, it is a message given by one of the most important figures of the extreme right movement in Europe, Geert Wilders, a front-line colleague of Salvini or Marine LePen, with positions that have often been presented yet. tougher and more intolerant than the neo-Nazis of the “Golden Dawn”, the party now banned by Greece. Or with his good friend and political colleague, the Eurosceptic Viktor Orban.

What are you saying now? That hospital treatments for generic patients called “Henk and Ingrid” are postponed, simply because the emergency room beds are occupied by “Mohamed and Fatima” patients.those who don’t speak our language and don’t follow our rules “:

Many non-Western patients who are not fluent in Dutch are now in emergency beds. The government needs to explain this. What is hidden from us? And what do the measurements mean now? Close all mosques and open restaurants … Henk and Igrid’s treatments and operations for cancer, serious heart problems and other illnesses are again postponed because the emergency departments are mainly occupied by Muhammad and Fatima who do not speak our language and do not speak to us. they respect rules. Are these facts real, Prime Minister Rute? Wilders wrote, obviously provoking very acid reactions, oscillating between anger and coercion, both from the ruling parties (D66 and CDA) and from the opposition parties (SP, PvdA), GroenLinks and CDA who accused him of Wilders of “racism and polarization. ”

Of course, the easiest and fastest way is to fall into the trap of the most obvious part of Wilders’ racist and extremist message, when he repeats his anti-Islamic thesis. And therefore you could ignore the other statement, very cleverly forced and which should give many a lot to think about. Accordingly, please reread the short message and note that the group of people who justify the accusations and fears belongs to a much broader category than the Islamics, namely the people. that do not have a western European origin.

This may be the beginning of the problem that regularly returns to the discourse of the extreme right: that is, the polarization of resentments caused by social failures, now combined with those of the pandemic, about foreignin general. The hatred of white Protestant Christians can be easily channeled, starting with Mohamad and Fatima, towards ALL foreigners who try to take advantage of their social systems, suffering post-Covid. Can our strawberries and asparagus grow as a target if such policies succeed in returning as a force to parliament, as often happens in times of unrest and crisis?

This is not mere speculation, as Wilders is not alone or lacking in allies, both internal and external.

Therefore, NL Times colleagues say that “The populist politician responds to the statements of Armand Gibes, head of the ATI department of the VUmc Amsterdam hospital, according to NOS. On an ARGOS radio show, he gave the impression that the majority of Covid-19 infected patients in the four big cities of the Netherlands are of non-Western origin. He said that «If we look at the differences and similarities with the first wave of the pandemic, it is striking how many patients are of non-Western origin, but also the fact that they do not speak Dutch completely correctly.»“.

The wound is much deeper and closer to the level of infection than is commonly thought. And the pandemic also had less visible effects than the economic ones, but, in fact, in its logical continuity, in most cases poorly managed by governments. The crisis has brought us dangerously close to the situation in which, before World War II, Hitler correctly identified the popular need to quickly find the culprits of the crisis, punished in the most terrible way precisely because they occupied and consumed, like the filthy rats that they were, the nation’s best resources. They had to be exterminated, and the Final Solution brought together all the foreigners of impure origin, of course the majority were Jews, but the same reasoning pushed minorities of all types and backgrounds to the concentration camps, all guilty of “being different “.

Wilders’ message is one of terrible perversity, mixing, following the model of Mein Kampf, the immediate goal of cleansing his country of the Islamic minority, but also referring to the generic category of “foreigners”, which some would like to be the phase. the second of the European movement for ethnic cleansing and purification. The effects can be devastating and the reactions impossible to control. And it is all the result of failed, poorly constructed and disastrously executed “social integration” programs of a decades-long migrant process in which there were almost no clear work rules and principles to approve asylum. And it was normal that this was the case (even in Holland), because, little by little, evidence of the horrors caused in various countries under the colonial regime appeared. now things are taking their revenge and this makes it difficult to obtain a common European response to a single migration and asylum plan.

This is not the Dutch priority perception, but it is an image of what the climate of uncertainty can produce that the boys of the extreme right propaganda groups are trying to take advantage of and that, very recently, as a sign, they have started talking about how national patients are discriminated against in the treatment of Covid-19 disease and in the imagination of counter-reactions. Like Wilders now in the Netherlands, the model for other comparable messages of the true Christian life. Starting from a specific theorization of dark times, dividing the population into groups that are allowed to live and those who, unfortunately, can die exclusively because they were not born in Western Europe.
