Winter time. Did you forget about that? When the clock changes. It’s the last time


Romania changes to the official winter time, from Saturday night to Sunday, from October 24 to 25. Thus, 4:00 will become 3:00 and we will sleep more for an hour.

The purpose of this transition from summer to winter was from the beginning to take advantage of sunlight for as long as possible, moving back one hour the official time.

More than 100 countries use this type of schedule

This time change mechanism has been used by Romania since 1932, and is used by more than 100 countries around the world.

Winter time is the standard official legal time, between October of one year and April of the following year.

The first to think of this kind of schedule was a New Zealander named Hudson in 1898.

At the time, no one was wondering if changing this kind of schedule could somehow influence the human body.

This could be the last year that Romania still uses this type of schedule

Doctors say that changing the time can seriously affect our body. Children and the elderly are the ones who feel this change the most.

Switching to winter time can lead to insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, and headaches. Therefore, in 2018, the Ministry of Health asked to waive the time change.

“We work after the sun and when the day gets shorter we feel more tired or even have an attention deficit”, says Lorena Diaconescu, psychologist.

Since 1980, the European Union has gradually adopted legislation to end divergent national time change schemes.

As of 2021, the time change may not apply depending on the season, and countries that want to always maintain summer time will have to make this change on the last Sunday in March 2021, while states that want to always stay in Standard winter time, they will make the last change on the last Sunday in October 2021, according to
