Better a poor horse than no horse. Orban’s message to the protesters


The protests against wearing a protective mask are a “completely nonsensical” gesture, given that the health mask has been scientifically proven to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, says Prime Minister Ludovic Orban.

Asked what he will send to the protesters on Saturday in the University Square, the prime minister said that this means of protection is preferable to illness, which may even require an oxygen mask.

Wear a mask if you don’t want to get sick. You better wear a mask than this you need an oxygen mask or, God forbid! – enter mechanical ventilation. It is much easier to wear a mask, “said the prime minister.

At the same time, when asked why participants who do not respect distance rules are not penalized, the prime minister specified that the law will be applied, but also admitted that such interventions were avoided.

I am convinced that those who do not follow the rules will be fined according to the law. (…) We avoided having interventions, especially because there were several demonstrations that did not have scope and did not have a topic, it seems to me an absurd topic, to demonstrate against the mask. It really seems to me something … Since it is a thing scientifically proven by all the specialists that the mask is, in fact, a means of protection that helps you not to get sick. This is like a protest against public health, including a protest against one’s health. I mean, it seems like a completely meaningless gesture. (…) What to do? Disperse them to create even more …? No, the law will apply ”, specified the prime minister, at the end of a visit to DSP Bucharest.

On Saturday afternoon, a protest was held for the use of a protective mask in the Plaza de la Universidad de la Capital. The participants, some with children, criticized the measures taken by the authorities.

protesters had tricolor flags, mostly not use mask and not to respectto distancing physical, according to Agerpres.
