The Metropolitan Church of Moldova demands the lifting of restrictions on pilgrimages. Only the people of Iași can enter the relics of Saint Parascheva.


The Metropolitan Church of Moldavia and Bucovina requests the lifting of restrictions on pilgrimages, then who initially told local authorities in Iasi that he was renouncing all events occasioned by the feast of Saint Parascheva.

Currently, pThe doors of the Metropolitan Cathedral are open only to those who have their address in the city bulletin.

RChurch representatives announced to the Iaşi prefecture that they have the ability to organize the pilgrimage, without the participants running the risk of being infected with the new coronavirus.

The Metropolitan Church sent an official speech to all the members of the County Council for Emergency Situations, requesting the modification of point 4 of the last decision, which establishes that pilgrims cannot touch the coffin. reports Ziarul from Iași.

Astfel, The metropolitan undertakes to take sanitary prevention measures on the scraper, ensuring a plexiglass on the upper part that must be disinfected once an hour and that pilgrims can touch.

The Metropolitan Church also requested that CJSU Iași discuss at the national level for the repeal of Decision no. 47 / 05.10.2020, which restricted the access of pilgrims from other localities to a religious festival, especially in the context in which they claim that they changed their program in Iasi and, therefore, reduced the risk of creating congestion.

Rthe CJSU representatives sent the Metropolitan’s request to CNSU in order to obtain a point of view on the possible repeal of Decision no. 47 / 05.10.2020, but also a point of view assumed, from the Directorate of Public Health, on the possibility of allowing pilgrims to reach the coffin in the context described above.

After obtaining the responses from CNSU and DSP Iași, we will be able to organize a specific meeting to present amendments to the decision of the CJSU No. 35/06 of October 2020 ”, specified the representatives of the Prefecture of Iași.

Publisher: MB
