New anti-COVID restrictions in Bucharest. Restaurants, theaters and cinemas are closing. Mask, compulsory next to the school. What does not close


According to the decisions taken at the meeting, rBucharest restaurants and cafes will cease their activities with the public indoors..

The exceptions are the restaurants and cafeterias of the pensions, which can only be served within the clients of these accommodation units.

The theaters and cinemas of the Capital close.

And the activity of the rooms where events are organized is suspended, and The use of a mask will be compulsory between 7:45 and 21:15 in the school area..

The new restrictions were announced by the prefect of the Capital, Gheorghe Cojan, and will come into force on Wednesday and the official document can be consulted here.

The duration of the new restrictions, a mystery

They remain in force until the rate of COVID-19 cases per thousand inhabitants falls below 1.5 and the analysis of the situation would be done weekly.

“The affected employees of companies that restrict their activity, in the field of the Horeca and the entertainment industry, will benefit from the support measures,” said the prefect.

Surprisingly, according to Tuesday’s decision, the casinos would remain open.

A decision on them would come from the National Committee for Emergency Situations, Prefect Cojan said.

The 400,000 HoReCa employees, victims of the explosion of new cases of COVID

Only a month after the grand reopening, only the terraces will continue to operate, but the cold season will not keep up with clients or workers in the hotel industry.

” It affected us financially. We all have jobs, we have families to feed, we have financial needs and it is not good that we stay closed for a while, especially since we have been without activity for almost five months. We have already bought heating lamps, we have them on both terraces. We are ready, but if the weather is not right for us, we cannot keep the terraces open, ” said a restaurant employee.
