The conspiratorial universe of the judge who even banned the protective anti-COVID mask in the courtroom


On Facebook, Magistrate Carmen Elena Chirilă writes that people have “minds tainted with media shit” if they agree to wear protective masks.

The judge is a staunch defender of conspiracy theories on Facebook: she declares herself anti-mask, anti-5G, militates against online school and is convinced that the COVID-19 pandemic is “an organized global genocide.” Judge Carmen Elena Chirilă is married to Mihai Silviu Chirilă, an activist who believes in “chemtrails”, the theory that airplanes leave poison trails in the sky, not gases from burning fuel.

The magistrate Carmen Elena Chirilă also does politics: “Only the mad have brilliant prospects, like Lenin’s torturers had, (…) the current gender ideologies, the ushers!” By law, magistrates are prohibited from expressing such sentences, according to art. 9 section 2 of Law 303/2004.

All these opinions – without scientific basis, but protected by the right to free expression – were taken by Judge Carmen Elena Chirilă in the courtroom, in the Court of Neamţ, where she told the litigants that if she insists on bringing a mask in the courtroom, have a chance to request that the case be postponed to a later date.

All the country’s courts have implemented a set of rules to combat the spread of the new coronavirus, in accordance with Decision no. 734 of the Superior Council of the Magistracy of May 12:

“6. During the entire time they remain inside the court, its staff, the litigants (…) as well as the public are obliged to wear personal protective equipment.” The observance of this article is managed by the president of the court panel , who can order the removal from the courtroom of people who do not comply.

Judge Carmen Elena Chirilă of the Court of Neamţ does exactly the opposite: she forces the litigants not to wear a mask, and if they do not want to give it up, she warns them that they can request a postponement. The reason given by the magistrate is that a litigant with a mask cannot be identified.

What the judge wrote in a decision: “The mask looks like a muzzle”

The full president warns all participants in the trial that, in the event that there are people who insist on wearing a mask in the courtroom, they have the opportunity to request the postponement of the case at a later date, after the drafting of the Judgment of the Constitutional Court, to ensure the other component of free access to justice, respectively the obligation of the judge to identify the recipients of the judicial act to avoid any error in this regard ”, the judge decided.

Judge Carmen Elena Chirilă believes that the protective mask endangers the health of those in the courtroom, because “their infections in the oral cavity multiply.”

“I consider that the obligation to wear a mask in the courtroom is a restriction of access to justice due to the impossibility of identifying the parties and witnesses by the members of the panel, due to poor oral communication between panel-secretary- parts, affecting the human dignity of people asymptomatic of contagious infections and who reject this medical procedure acting at their own risk, looks like a muzzle and also presents a health risk since there are medical scientific studies that highlight the greatest risk for the health of people whose normal breathing is blocked by the multiplication of infections in the oral cavity and reducing the capacity of the lungs ”, motivates the judge in the decision.

The magistrate, passionate about conspiracy theories

Judge Carmen Elena Chirilă has a Facebook account where she distributes posts on conspiracy issues. For example, on September 25, the judge posted a photo with the message: “The COVID vaccine must be tested on politicians. If they survive, the vaccine is good. If I don’t survive, Romania will be better! “In this photo, the judge completes:” Daaaa! And those who are so afraid of those who do not wear a mask! Only then … will they be in perfect safety! “

Recently, the judge redistributed a message from another user of the network: “If you manipulate the ad and use a muzzle, normality will never return.” The dictatorship will come! ”Carmen Elena Chirilă reinforces the message:” Yes! “. Chirilă became famous after competing alone twice for the position of president of the Court of Bicaz, but both times she was rated “not recommended” for the psychological test.

The judge’s husband, “covidiot”

The judge’s husband, Mihai Silviu Chirilă (Photo), participated in the anti-mask protest on September 20, where he demonstrated against the protection measures imposed by the authorities. “My dear husband, fight for our children!” The judge wrote proudly on Facebook. In fact, the judge’s husband was involved in several similar protest actions: anti-5G, anti-mask, religious fundamentalism. On his Facebook page, the judge’s husband has almost a thousand photos of the footprints left in the sky by planes. He says these traces are “chemtrails”, thus adhering to the conspiracy theory that governments deliberately spray chemical or biological agents to poison the population.

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