Record the number of patients admitted to ATI. One third of them are mechanically ventilated


Romania exceeded, for the fourth consecutive day, the two thousand cases of COVID-19, reported in 24 hours.

Although the total number of deaths is close to 5,000, the beds are occupied by the Intensive Care Unit. 583 patients are being treated here, a new record today.

One third of them are mechanically ventilated.

Also in ATI is a 17-year-old teenager from Bucharest, who suffered a SARS-VOC-2 infection, and has now developed an unusual reaction: almost all his organs have been attacked.

A condition that attacks the adolescent’s body is called multisystemic inflammatory syndrome. He is the second child to arrive at the Victor Gomoiu Hospital in the Capital with this reaction, after an episode of COVID. In short, the SARS-VOC-2 virus generated extreme inflammation in his body, affecting all of his organs.

Dr. Diana Ionescu, Medical Director of the Gomoiu Hospital: “It just came to our attention then. Basically, it is the second in two weeks in our hospital. It may be a coincidence, but from the literature and from what we know, children do very little Covid and make light forms. Of the total infections , children are around 2%, perhaps a slight increase, and very few of them end up in shock. “

The boy arrived at the hospital with a fever and a very poor general condition. He entered Intensive Care and is only breathing with the help of an oxygen mask.

Dr. Diana Ionescu: “This disease occurs at least two or three weeks after infection. Right now it is PCR negative, but it has Sars-Cov-2 antibodies, so it is clear that it went through the disease.”

The second case that surprised doctors is that of an even younger boy, 10 years old, released in the meantime. The Public Health Directorate received the report, but did not take into account an epidemiological survey.

Reporter: “Is DSP still investigating this case?”

Dr. Ionel Oprea, Director of DSP Bucharest: “No, he has two negative PCR samples. He has two PCRs, it does not contaminate, it does not eliminate viruses, but in the past, when he was asymptomatic, he most likely infected the virus. He would have infected it, but that was four or six ago weeks. “

In the last 24 hours, 2,064 new cases have been registered and 583 patients are in intensive care units. 179 of them, more than a third, mechanically ventilated.

Nelu Tătaru, Minister of Health: “We have that index of 1.5, and exceeding it will mean the closure of restaurants, theaters and cinemas.”

Reporter: “Should we wait for other measures besides closing restaurants, cafes?”

Nelu Tătaru: “The measurements are taken separately, in part, by each locality.”

Most of the cases were recorded in Bucharest, Iaşi, Neamţ and Vâlcea, and the fewest in Argeş, Covasna and Hunedoara.

The authorities link the increase in the number of cases with the return from vacation, the start of school, but also with the elections that took place last Sunday.

The measures designed by the authorities are specific for the provinces that register many cases. If the limit of three cases per thousand inhabitants is exceeded, localities are quarantined.
