Romania has clearly entered a growing trend of infections. If it continues, scenarios should be considered


Professor Alexandru Rafila told Digi24, regarding the record number of infections reported during the last 24 hours, that there are no unexpected figures as the epidemiological evolution has clearly entered a growing trend.

“It is the third day in a row with more than 2,000 cases, which affects those in intensive care. Let’s see how far this increase goes.

We will see if we approach a plateau zone and there we expect a stabilization or if this growth continues, I think we should discuss strategies adapted to various scenarios, for the uptrend, for stabilization to see what we do for each in part, especially because there are limitations to the medical system.

The situation is very serious and must be treated as such ”, explained Alexandru Rafila.

He said that a quick rethinking of the ability to provide medical care was needed and that sooner or later all hospitals should treat both COVID and non-COVID patients.

Certainly there is a need for a quick rethinking of the ability to provide health care, because we see what is happening and the need to ensure hospitalization and treatment of COVID patients must be correlated with other pathologies, that is, I think late or early, and other hospitals that were not COVID hospitals should be able to treat both categories of patients, “said Alexandru Rafila.

Publisher: Georgiana Marina
