Timiș County recorded the highest number of Covid-19 cases in 24 hours, since the start of the pandemic


Timiş County registered the highest number of people confirmed with COVID in 24 hours, since the start of the pandemic, with almost three times as many cases compared to the reports announced by the Prefecture earlier in the week.

The prefectural spokeswoman, Daniela Fetescu, announced on Thursday that yesterday 135 people and 70 were quarantined in solitary confinement.

“In the last 24 hours, 86 people in the county were confirmed with COVID-19 (up from 36 reported on Tuesday #), of which 46 are from Timişoara (up from 19 reported on Tuesday #) The other cases come from Lugoj (5), with three confirmed being Giroc, Jena (Găvojdia), Moşniţa Nouă, with two each being Comloşu Mare, Saravale, Buziaş, Coşteiu, Sânnicolau Mare, Grabaţ (Lenauheim), and one case each has Dudeştii Vechi, Jebel, Iohanisfeld (Otelec), Belinţ, Gelu (Variaş), Cutina (Bethausen), Bacova (Buziaş), Nerau (Teremia Mare), Hitiaş (Ghizela), Deta, Cena, Corneşti (Orţişoara), Orţişoara, Dumbrăviţa, Ictar-Budinţ (Topolovăţu Mare) “ Daniela Fetescu said.

He also announced that, on Thursday morning, the total number of hospitalized people confirmed with COVID-19 was 154, with 18 patients in ATI.

In the last 24 hours, two physicians were confirmed positive and one death was recorded.

The spokesperson for the Timiş Public Health Directorate (DSP), Cornelia Bubatu, declared this Thursday that there are 11 active outbreaks of COVID-19, under epidemiological control, closing the one at School Gymnasium no. 19 from Timişoara.

The Lugoj Neuropsychiatric Recovery and Rehabilitation Center (76 cases), the Timişoara Private Residential Center for the Elderly (37 cases), the Periam Neuropsychiatric Recovery and Rehabilitation Center (13 cases), the Timişoara Neuropsychiatric Recovery and Rehabilitation Center ( four cases), two economic units from Timişoara (with 11 and 16 cases, respectively), an economic unit from Sânnicolau mare (58 cases), a private health unit from Timişoara (four cases), the Pentecostal Higher Theological School “Logos” Timişoara (seven cases) cases), the Children’s Hospital “Louis Ţurcanu” Timişoara (eight cases) and an economic unit of Ghiroda (six cases).
