Emil Boc, the longest-serving mayor in Cluj history. What the analysts say is that they are still waiting for the people of Cluj


Emil Boc won his fifth term, with almost 75% of the votes, for which he had the opportunity to become, at the end of his term, the oldest mayor of the city. Although he won 5 terms, practically Emil Boc served only four more near half a year of the fifth period.

The liberal has a chance of becoming Cluj’s longest-serving mayor at the end of his term, when he will be 16 years old since he became mayor of the city. The record is held by Géza Szvacsina, who led Cluj for 15 and a half years from June 30, 1898 to December 1, 1913, according to the volume “Mayors of Cluj 1919-2012”, written by Marian Lazăr de Cluj, former Chief architect of Cluj between the years 1965-1972.

“Adevărul” asked the specialists how Emil Boc achieved this performance and what awaits us in this legislature.

“It is not healthy for democracy”

Political analyst Doru Pop claims that Emil Boc’s success has two parts:

one. „The conservatism of the people of Cluj, who also voted for Gheorghe Funar for 3 terms, that is, 12 years. The people of Cluj are extremely conservative, they like to maintain the status quo. “

two. “I think we should also appreciate the political qualities of Emil Boc. Emil Boc is a skilled politician, very well versed, who knows how to manage his public image. He has a very good understanding of the local situation along with skillful politics and good quality populism. which led to the current situation. “

Pop thinks that “With all the respect and appreciation I have for Emil Boc, it is not normal to have such a long period of continuity in the administration. It is not healthy for democracy. ”

“Toilet, cosmetics, lots of public relations”

As for what awaits us, political analyst Doru Pop believes that it will not be Boc’s last term: “He will not be allowed to surrender. The interests are too high. We only see the character Emil Boc, but I think we have to talk about the Boc administration, which he maintained and how long he was prime minister. The entire administrative apparatus of the Boc was also in the period of Sorin Apostu ”.

The analyst also says that in this term spectacular things will not happen, and the Boc administration will go from inertia as before: “there will be things that we have become accustomed to in the last 12 years: hairdressing, cosmetics, a lot of PR. , self promotion. “

“The device will continue to work with the same parameters. We will not see spectacular things. This administrative apparatus already has its own mechanisms, habits, it will work by inertia,” says Pop.

On the other hand, the performance of the Boc administration is also due to the consistent budget of the city, says the analyst and adds: “We do not minimize the achievements of the administration, but there are normal investments that should be made in any city: streets, parks, green spaces. It does not seem to me that there will be great achievements, we are in full normality. They are presented to us as great achievements, some banal things like some banks that have a USB charger ”.

“The subway, a phantasmagoria”

Regarding one of Mayor Emil Boc’s most important promises, the subway, Pop assures that “it is a phantasmagoria of the category of Gheorghe Funar’s inventions such as the tunnel. Imagine how long it took to modernize King Ferdinad Street (a street a few kilometers away, which was modernized in about a year) and how long it would take to build a tunnel under Cluj for the metro ”. Furthermore, statistical data shows that all of Cluj has approximately 600,000 inhabitants. For a metro to be profitable, according to economic statistics from around the world, there must be a population of more than 1 million inhabitants ”, says the analyst.

Pop affirms that the administration must focus on urgent issues that can be resolved such as “the entrance from Oradea to Cluj which is a catastrophe, there is a traffic jam that never ends. Measures could be taken at much lower costs than for the subway. “

The surface train that runs through the entire area from Apahida to Gilău is another feasible project that needs to be done, according to Doru Pop.

“The Boc administration must focus on feasible projects with a direct impact on the lives of citizens, not on phantasmagoria, on public relations things that work very well for the national press.

Arrears in real estate, hospitals, culture

“The second big problem in Cluj is the hospitals, a problem that Emanuel Ungureanu pointed out. Things are not going so well neither in number of beds nor in hospital conditions. We still have a maternity ward in an old stable, we have clinics made by the Hungarian administration in the early 20th century. We have very big problems in the area of ​​sanitary infrastructure that need to be solved ”, added Pop.

Then there is the problem of the real estate market, which has become the most expensive in the country. “Also, we also have this real estate devastation that is happening in the city, we have apartment blocks between houses, monstrous constructions in the city center, some made by Boc’s party colleague Alin Tişe (who won a new term as President of the County Council) -nr), has buildings without parking spaces, including skyscrapers made by a close friend of the party on a hill in Mănăştur that goes down the valley. Furthermore, Cluj is an aberrant city in real estate terms due to the large amounts that are circulated, “added Pop.

The analyst also affirms that the Boc administration has backwardness in culture: “the lack of great cultural investments. We have spectacular events that bring in a lot of money, but the Philharmonic has been waiting for a place for decades, and we don’t have many obligatory cultural institutions in a city like Cluj, which claims to be the cultural capital. ”

The opponents came with general themes.

Sociologist Ioan Hossu, a professor at Babeş-Bolyai University, explained the reasons for Mayor Emil Boc’s longevity:

“If we look at the current panorama and other electoral cycles, we see that the current one is not very competitive. The opponents came on fairly general themes, with two or three exceptions from the long list of 13 candidates. Only two or three candidates presented concrete projects, in which they specified what they want to do, how long it will take and for what money. The technical means to which we have access today were used very little, very interesting digital simulations could be carried out. The opponents worked with the old paradigm, instead of building, they came with attacks on the leader. The new paradigm says that you have to build, build, build ”.

Hosu ​​also mentioned the conservative electorate in Cluj.

The sociologist also claimed that Boc also benefited from the pandemic, as his opponents mostly turned to the online campaign, due to medical conditions, or offline memory continues to play a decisive role:
“In the next electoral cycles, what is online will probably be more important. At this point, there is a remnant of offline that predominates in the voting decision. Politics cannot be carried out exclusively online. Perhaps in 10 years, perhaps with other strategies ”.

The candidate who could defeat Emil Boc

Asked about the profile of the candidate who could defeat Emil Boc, Hosu explains: “It is not about the profile, but the context, of a candidate who arrives at the right place at the right time. Such a context occurs when a population feels that the old paradigm is over and decides that it is time for a change. There are few cases in which a charismatic candidate changes context.

There should be a candidate that brackets all locale and rules over what the context means. Despite the problems in Cluj, the majority of the population appreciates the work of the administration. The era of charismatic leaders is almost over, I think we need to talk about contexts, adaptation to contexts, availability for cooperation. In the conditions of this fragmentation of the opposition, in elections with a single round it is very difficult for there to be a change ”.

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