Results of the local elections in Brașov. USR-Plus Candidate Announces Victory | News, News Romania | Freedom


UPDATE 22:16 – USR-PLUS candidate Allen Coliban announced his victory, managing to defeat the current mayor of Brasov, George Scripcaru.

“It is a very, very pleasant atmosphere in Brasov tonight. Tonight. I counted the votes until a quarter of an hour ago, 83% of the polls, had 3,000 votes. We consider that, statistically, sociologically, we can no longer have surprises. Tomorrow we will have a press conference in which we will announce the results. But we can have a champagne, “Allen Coliban told his followers.

The people of Brasov went to the polls today to elect their mayor and local councilors in the 2020 local elections. The polls closed at 9 pm, so the first partial results are expected.

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In Brașov, the main duel takes place between the current and eternal mayor of the city, the liberal George George Scripcaru against the USR senator Allen Coliban. The campaign did not miss the tense moments, the incidents, but the former is still a huge favorite at the polls.

At the head of the Brașov County Council, NLP runs with Adrian Veştea, PSD, with former Senator Marian Rasaliu, and USR-PLUS, with MP Tudor Benga.

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County incidents

A series of 20 notifications about the initiation of irregularities in the voting process were registered at the level of the Braşov County Police Inspectorate (IPJ), four of them confirmed after investigations carried out by the police, reported the bearer on Sunday afternoon. IPJ Braşov spokesperson, Commissioner Alina Ivan, writes Agerpres.

“Since the beginning of the voting process, at the LEI Braşov level, 20 notifications were reported, of which 4 were confirmed. The police officers of Brasov have prepared two criminal cases, under the aspect of the commission of the crime of counterfeiting and the use of falsification, respectively, of voter corruption. At the same time, two penalties for infraction amounting to 3,600 lei were applied “, said Iván.

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