In the middle of the voting day, Bucharest ranks last in terms of participation, but the number is higher than in 2016 | News, News Romania | Freedom


At the middle of the election day, Bucharest registered a total of 334,871 voters, which corresponds to a percentage of 18.41%, which places the Capital in last place in the country in terms of participation.

Compared to 1 p.m., the gap to the second-to-last county, Covasna, increased by almost 1%.

However, the figures in Bucharest are better than in 2016, when 16.13% had voted. Specifically, the number of voters in 2020 exceeded the number of four years ago by 2.28%.

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Furthermore, the majority of Bucharest voters are in the 45-64 age group, with the fewest being between 18 and 24 years old.

In the middle of election day, Bucharest ranks last in terms of turnout, but the number is higher than in 2016
At 2:00 p.m. Distribution of voters in Bucharest according to age. Source: Permanent Electoral Authority

Top of the counties with the lowest participation: Bucharest (18.41%), Covasna (19.16%), Vaslui (19.67%) and Iasi (19.77%).

Top of the counties with the best participation: Olt (31.11%), Teleorman (30.87%), Giurgiu (30.55%) and Mehedinți (30.24%).

Voting in Bucharest at 13:00

According to official data at 1:00 p.m., the smallest number of Romanian voters in local elections is in Bucharest: 15.38% of the total number of voters. However, the figures in the Capital are better than in 2016, when 13.56% had voted.

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On election day, one of the health moguls before the Collective attacks Vlad Voiculescu, using Firea’s accusations: “Condemning patients to death.”

At the top of the weakest share, Bucharest is followed, close behind, by Covasna (15.63%), then Vaslui and Iasi (each with 16.43%).

As of 1:00 p.m., according to data communicated by the Permanent Electoral Authority, 279,847 Bucharest residents voted. In 2016, 242,415 people had voted.

As a percentage, in Bucharest 15.38% of those who had the right to vote voted, while four years ago 13.56% had voted, the additional difference being 1.82%.

Furthermore, the majority of Bucharest voters are in the 45-64 age group, with the fewest being between the ages of 18 and 24.

In the middle of election day, Bucharest ranks last in terms of turnout, but the number is higher than in 2016
At 1:00 p.m. Distribution of voters in Bucharest according to age. Source: Permanent Electoral Authority

Olt (26.88%), Teleorman (26.67%), Giurgiu (26.02%) and Mehedinți (25.61%) lead at the top of the share by county.

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Voting in Bucharest at 12:00

The people of Bucharest went to the polls, until 12:00, in a higher number than the 2016 local elections, with a difference of 1.74%.

Until 12:00, according to the data communicated by the Permanent Electoral Authority, 220,991 residents of Bucharest voted. Four years ago, 185,922 people had voted.

As a percentage, 12.14% of the inhabitants of the Capital voted, while in 2016 10.4% had voted, the difference being 1.74%.

Then the age group from 45 to 64 years old came to vote in the majority: 82,021 people, increasing by 20,176 people compared to 11:00.

Young people between 18 and 24 years old voted less. At 12:00, there were 6,346 people, which is an increase of 2,193 people compared to the previous hour.

In the middle of election day, Bucharest ranks last in terms of turnout, but the number is higher than in 2016
12:00 pm. The division of voters in Bucharest according to age criteria. Source: Permanent Electoral Authority

At the top of the share by counties, Teleorman (22%), Olt and Giurgiu (21% each), Mehedinți and Călărași (20% each) lead.

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The voting history is on Firea's side: no full-term mayor lost in Bucharest, when he ran for the second time


The voting history is on Firea’s side: no full-term mayor lost in Bucharest, when he ran for the second time

Voting in Bucharest at 11:00

As of 11:00, according to the data communicated by the Permanent Electoral Authority, 162,911 Bucharest residents voted. Four years ago, 129,212 people had voted.

As a percentage, 8.9% of Bucharest residents eligible to vote went to the polls at 11:00, which is 1.68% more than in 2016.

Of the number of voters in Bucharest, the majority belong to the 45-64 age group: 61,845.

The smallest number of voters is in the 18-24 age category: 4,153.

In the middle of election day, Bucharest ranks last in terms of turnout, but the number is higher than in 2016
11.00 pm. Distribution of voters in Bucharest according to age. Source: Permanent Electoral Authority

Voting in Bucharest at 10:00

In 2016, up to 10:00, 77,962 Bucharest residents voted, today 109,500 voted.


of Bucharest residents with the right to vote voted today, compared to 2016, when 4.36% had gone to the polls.

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Which means that in 2020 1.6% more people voted than four years ago.

In the middle of election day, Bucharest ranks last in terms of turnout, but the number is higher than in 2016
10:00 pm. Distribution of voters in Bucharest according to age. Source: Permanent Electoral Authority

Most voters are between the ages of 45 and 65 or older:
37,962 people. On the other hand, young people between 18 and 24 years old are the ones who vote the least.

1.8 million

of voters are registered in Bucharest on permanent lists, according to the Permanent Electoral Authority

At the national level, almost 1.4 million people, respectively 7.64%, expressed their choice. The percentage is lower than in the 2016 elections, when 7.64% voted.

The counties with the highest participation are Teleorman (11.60%), Olt (11.40%) and Giurgiu (11.23%), and the lowest participation is found in the counties of Covasna (5.01%). Harghita (5.14%) and Iași (5.99%).

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Voting in Bucharest at 09:00

In the first two hours after the opening of the polling stations, 3.58% of voters in Bucharest voted in the Capital, the presence being higher than at the same time four years ago: 2.20%.

At 08:00, in Bucharest, twice as many people voted as in 2016, with a 1.65% turnout.

What was four years ago in the local elections in Bucharest

In the 2016 local elections, won by Gabriela Firea against Nicușor Dan, the turnout in Bucharest was 33.23%. Like this year, the elections were held in a single round.

In the 2016 elections, Gabriela Firea won the City Council of the capital with 246,553 votes (42.97%), more than 70,000 votes from Nicușor Dan, then they voted for 175,119 residents of Bucharest (30.52%). The election was held in a single round, with a 33.23% turnout.

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Nicușor Dan is running for the third consecutive time for the office of Mayor General of the Capital. In 2012, as an independent, he obtained 8% of the votes.

From a historical point of view, no full-time mayor lost the elections in Bucharest when he ran for a second term. In 2020, Gabriela Firea, the current mayor of the Capital, is running for a new term.

What Bucharest voters vote in the 2020 local elections

Bucharest residents are called to the polls today to choose:

  • the mayor general of the Capital – uninominal election, in one round
  • General Council of Bucharest – electoral system with proportional lists
  • the mayor of the sector – single-member election, in one round
  • local sector council – electoral system with proportional lists

For each of these, voters will receive a ballot. watch what the ballots for local elections look like.

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Voter turnout in Bucharest in the last local elections

  • 2016 – presence of 33.23%
  • 2012 – 44.36%
  • 2008 (round 2) – 31.49%
  • 2008 (first round) – 31.36%
  • 2004 – 43.97%
  • 2000 (round 2) – 41.47%
  • 2000 (first round) – 37.15%

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Photo: Octav Ganea / said photos

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