BEC voting turnout in local elections starting September 27 How many voters voted before 12:00 | News, News Romania | Freedom


Voting time at 12:00

At 12:00, participation in local elections was 15.69%, that is, 2,870,898 voters voted.

The counties with the highest participation are: Teleorman (22.07%), Olt (21.85%), Giurgiu (21.25%) and Mehedinti (20.64%). Codașe are the counties: Covasna (11.69%), Bucharest, Harghita (12.41%) and Iași (12.84%),

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In Bucharest, 12.14% of the voters voted.

How many Romanians voted until 11:00

2,110,334 voted in the first four hours after the polls opened, that is, 11.53% of voters.

The main counties in participation are: Teleorman (16.94%), Olt
(16.60%), Giurgiu (16.32%) and Mehedinți (15.46%). The counties with the lowest participation are: Covasna (8.27%), Harghita (8.62), Bucharest and Iasi (9.24%).

In the Capital, the participation at 11:00 is 8.95%, that is, 162,911 voters voted.

How many voters voted before 10:00?

The participation at the national level, at 10:00, is 7.64%. In total, 1,398,356 voters voted.

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The counties with the highest participation are: Teleorman – 11.6%, Olt – 11.4%, Giurgiu – 11.23% and Calarasi – 10.66%. Codașe are the counties of Covasna – 5.01%, Harghita – 5.14%, Iași – 5.99% and Vaslui – 6.01%.

110,245 Bucharest residents voted in the capital, that is, 6.06%, more than in 2016: 4.36%

Voting time at 9:00

The national presence was 4.26%, somewhat weaker than four years ago, when it was 4.34%.

The county where the most voters voted is Olt (6.45%), followed by Giurgiu (6.44%) and Calarasi (6.11%).

In Bucharest, the turnout was 3.58%, higher than at the same time four years ago.

Voting time at 8.00

According to the website of the Permanent Electoral Authority, today September 27 at 8:00 a.m., the participation at the national level was 1.83%.

According to data centralized by the Central Electoral Office, 341,261 people have voted in the country so far,

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In the urban area, 167,434 voters went to the polling stations and in the rural area 173,827.

The highest participation was registered, after the first hour, in the counties of Giurgiu – 2.79%, Olt – 2.79%, Teleorman – 2.75%, Ilfov – 2.64% and Calarasi.

The small participation was registered, until 08.00, in Harghita – 0.93%, Covasna – 1.10%, Vaslui – 1.36%, Sibiu -1.42% and Bistrița Năsăud 1.43%.

The majority of voters went to the polls in Bucharest 30,525 (1.67%) and the counties of COnstanța 13,520 (2.17%) and Prahova 12,685 (1.93%)

This is the total number of voters registered in the Electoral Registry as of August 25.

Of the total number of Romanian voters listed in the Electoral Register, several 18,270,004 have their domicile or residence in the country, and 734,982 are domiciled abroad and are holders of a CRDS passport.

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Polling stations will open across the country at 7:00 AM and close at 9:00 PM, when the first results of the ballot box elections in Bucharest and the rest of the country will be made public.

What Romanians vote on Sunday

Romanian voters are called to the polls on September 27 to vote:

  • mayors – single-member election, in one round
  • local councilors – electoral system with proportional lists
  • provincial councilors – electoral system with proportional lists
  • presidents of county councils – single-member election, in one round

What was the turnout in the last local elections in Romania?

2016 local elections: turnout in the country – 48.44%, turnout in Bucharest – 33.23%

In the last local elections, a total of 8.87 million Romanians out of a total of more than 18.3 million registered voters on the permanent lists voted.

Local elections 2012: turnout in the country – 56.26%, turnout in Bucharest – 44.36%

Read also:

EXIT SURVEY Local elections 2020 Bucharest. When election results are displayed

Local elections 2020. How voters will be identified at polling stations

Where to vote on Sunday in the 2020 local elections. What time do the polling stations open?

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