Local elections 2020. All you need to know about participation, incidents, voting for the Capital


Local Elections September 27, 2020. At 7 in the morning local elections began in Romania. Until 9:00 p.m., when the polls close, the more than 19 million Romanians with the right to vote can elect their mayors, local and county councilors.

On Sunday, from 7 in the morning until 9 at night, the 19 million Romanians with the right to vote are expected at the polls to elect their mayors and local and county councilors.

Read also:

Voter turnout, local elections 2020. How many Romanians voted before 9:00

Local elections 2020 Bucharest. The battle for the Capital City Hall. LIVE TEXT

Voting incidents – local elections 2020

Realization of local elections 2020 -LIVE TEXT

10:10 – Mihai Chirica: I voted for the people of Iași and a better life

The mayor of Iaşi, Mihai Chirica, declared this Sunday, after the vote came out, that he voted for the people of Iaşi and for “a better life”, specifying that the fate of a community is decided through this electoral process.

“Emotions are inevitable in those moments because we are talking about the destiny of a community. We vote for the people of Iași, for a better life, which I think we really deserve, for the projects presented that have begun to become a reality” said Mayor Mihai. Chirica, candidate for a new mandate of NLP.

He stated that he does not feel any emotion about the outcome of today’s elections and urged the people of Iași to go to the polls.

10:00 – Nicolae Robu: I voted for the continuation of the healthy evolution of Timişoara

The NLP candidate for Timişoara City Council, Nicolae Robu, declared this Sunday at the polls that he voted for the continuity in the development of the city, specifying that it must be prepared “impeccably” to be the European Capital of Culture.

“I voted for the continuity in the development and evolution of Timisoara, as a first class city. Of course, the vote for each of us is implicit and one for Romania, even if there are local elections. I hope it continues with this healthy evolution that our city has had. separated, at the head, of all the most important indicators, which shows that the economy is strong, health has proven to be well developed, even if we still have a lot of work: the pandemic was a difficult test for all, education “In the In the particular case of Timisoara, we must be impeccably prepared for the year in which we will play the role of European Capital of Culture. It is a role that we play not only on our own behalf, but for Romania and Europe “, Nicolae Robu said.

9 o’clock – The rules on the voting process, as well as the measures taken to prevent infection with Covid-19, were announced by the Interior Ministry through a press conference.

A physical distance of at least 1 meter will be ensured between the participants in the electoral process and physical contact between the voters and the computer operator or members of the electoral office will be avoided.

Periodic disinfection of each of the hands of the participants in the electoral process is mandatory after each direct contact with other people.

The ballot papers, the stamp with the word “VOTED” and the pens that the voter will use must be arranged so that the voter can carry them alone, without having direct contact with the members of the voting table.

After exercising the right to vote, the voter will place the sticker or stamp “VOTED”, as the case may be, on the identity card or identity document, at the indication and under the supervision of the members of the electoral table of the voting table.

8:00 – The participation in the country in local elections was, on Sunday, until 8:00, 1.86%, respectively, more than 345,000 voters, according to reports from the Central Electoral Office (BEC).

In the urban area, 170,435 voters went to the polls so far, and in the rural area, 177,082.

The counties with the highest participation in the first hour were Giurgiu – 2.74%, Olt – 2.73% and Calarasi – 2.58%, and the lowest participation was in Covasna – 1.10% and Harghita – 0.93%.

In Bucharest there was a 1.67% presence.

07:00 Polls were opened across the country. 19,004,986 citizens and the right to vote are expected to vote for their mayors, local and county councilors, in the first elections in Romania held under special pandemic conditions.

Which party do you vote for in the 2020 local elections?

If you do not know which electoral college you are in for local elections, the AEP has established the final list, which you can access here.

What are the special rules that we will have to follow if we want to vote in the 2020 local elections?

In the first election since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the special hygiene rules for those who want to vote will be extremely strict. However, parents will be able to come with their children and those who are isolated or in quarantine will also be able to vote, from home, with a mobile ballot box. Meanwhile, masks, gloves and disinfectant were distributed at polling stations for local elections.

From the moment you enter the voting station, you must ensure that you wear the mask correctly, covering your nose and mouth. Those who do not have masks will receive from the members of the commissions.

A disinfection corner will be set up at the entrance to the voting table. You should wash your hands before touching anything, the stamp or the pen. The first step is identification. This time, you will put the ID card on the tablet with the ID system.

Then for a few seconds you can remove the mask, but you have to keep a distance of 1.5 meters to identify yourself. Take the ballot and speak to a member of the voting committee. Here you place your ID card on the table so that the committee member can read your details without touching the document.

Take the pen, the stamp, and the four ballots yourself. Enter the booth, exercise your right, put the ballots in the ballot box, like every year. Nothing changes about it. It changes when you return to commission. It will place the “voted” stamp on the back of the ballot, in accordance with the new special rules for local elections.

You should also disinfect your hands when leaving the polling place. This is what the regulations established by the Government say so that the risks of contagion are as low as possible.

Outside, if queues form, voters must keep a minimum distance of one meter.

What was the turnout in previous local elections?

In the local elections of June 10, 2012, held for the first time since 1989 on a single ballot, participation was, at the national level, 56.39% of the number of registered voters on the electoral lists.

In 2016, local elections were held on June 5. National turnout was declining compared to previous local elections. Thus, 8,874,432 people voted, representing 48.44% of the number of registered voters on the electoral lists.
