2020 local elections: after the first hour, 341,261 voters voted – Politics


More than 18.2 million Romanians are expected to vote in Sunday’s 2020 local elections, with the first results being the exit polls and will be released at 9:00 p.m. This year, the polls are held under special conditions due to the coronavirus epidemic. One of the great challenges is the mobilization of people to vote, in the calculations of the parties, based on the results of the 2020 local elections.

Today’s choice, LIVETEXT:


08.00 After the first hour, 341,261 people voted, that is, a participation of 1.86%

7.46 Vrancea: A polling station chief and his deputy resigned after it was discovered, before the vote, that the stamps had traces of ink.

07.28 Yes, although several stamps have been affixed, the ballot is valid / Which ballots are considered valid and which are void

07.03 Gabriela Firea voted immediately after the opening of the polling stations

07.00 Polling stations have been opened


The authorities have established strict rules for voting. Romanians who are going to vote in the 2020 local elections must wear a mask, to maintain a distance of at least one meter from other people. Unlike other elections, in the venues this year, voters have to put their identity card in the computer system, remove their mask, for a short time, to be identified, take their own ballot Seal.

Local elections 2020. 10 essential rules for Romanians who go to the polls. Voter guide

Romanians who cannot go to the polls organized for the 2020 local elections, due to illness or disability, could request a mobile ballot box. On the day of the vote, the team carrying the special ballot box will first go to the applicants’ addresses for cases other than COVID-19, to health facilities, medical and social units, nursing homes, prisons and detention centers and preventive detention not belonging to COVID. .

The team carrying the special ballot box for the 2020 local elections will travel to the COVID-19 health units and the addresses of isolated and quarantined people only after ensuring the exercise of the right to vote by other voters. The members of the polling stations and the security guards accompanying the special ballot box must wear a mask and gloves that must be replaced or disinfected with an alcohol-based disinfectant solution when leaving each room. They will not enter the home where the voter is located and will carry out all the procedures when entering it, ensuring a distance of at least one meter from the voter.

Local elections 2020. What documents must be presented by people confirmed with COVID-19 requesting a mobile urn

The 2020 local elections also have great political significance, and the NLP is betting that it will win another battle in the war with the PSD. The results of the Bucharest elections, where the Social Democrats won the capital city council and district mayors four years ago, will weigh heavily on the perspective of parliamentarians later this year. For the first time, PNL and USR-PLUS presented themselves to the people of Bucharest with a unique candidate for the City Council and unique candidates in the sectors, hoping that, after the closing of the polls, the results will confirm a victory over the PSD in the elections 2020 premises.

For the Mayor’s Office, the last poll showed a close fight between Nicușor Dan and Gabriela Firea, it hurts two percent separating the two candidates. Traian Băsescu entered the fray after PNL and USR-PLUS decided to exclude PMP from the Alliance of the Right, he is in third place, with less than ten percent in voting intention. President Klaus Iohannis supports Nicusor Dan, with whom he held a meeting on Thursday at the Cotroceni Palace, after which he announced that the projects of the candidate PNL and USR-PLUS are feasible for the Bucharest administration.

Local elections 2020. What solutions do Gabriela Firea, Nicușor Dan and Traian Băsescu have for Bucharest?

On municipal elections, hot water, mayors and inaugurations of bridges at the end of his term, with the anthropologist Radu Umbreș: “Not in vain in some restaurants a small dessert of the house is offered at the exit”

The election comes with emotion for the sectors of Bucharest, two candidates who, according to the polls, trust the results of the local elections, Robert Negoiță, in sector 3 and Daniel Băluță in sector 4.

Local elections 2020 What projects do the candidates for the Mayor of Sector 1 have? / Clotilde Armand vs Daniel Tudorache

Local elections 2020 What projects do the candidates for the Sector 2 City Council: Radu Mihaiu, Dan Cristian Popescu and Neculai Onțanu have?

Local elections 2020 What projects do the candidates for the Sector 3 City Council have? – Robert Negoiță vs Adrian Moraru

Local elections 2020 What projects do the candidates for the Sector 4 City Council have? – Daniel Băluță vs Simona Spătaru

Local elections 2020 What projects do the candidates for the Sector 5 City Council have? – Cristian Băcanu vs Daniel Florea vs Marian Vanghelie

Local elections 2020 What projects do the candidates for the Sector 6 City Council have? – Ciprian Ciucu vs Gabriel Mutu

Local elections 2020. Battles in the 10 largest cities and the last counts before Sunday’s vote.

Local elections 2020 – polls open at 7:00 a.m., what documents do you need from the voting station

The polling stations organized for the 2020 local elections will open on Sunday at 7 a.m. and close at 9 p.m. In the local elections of 2020, Romanian citizens who have reached 18 years of age, including those who reach this age, vote on election day, those without judicial prohibitions, citizens of the European Union who have their domicile or residence in Romania. In the 2020 local elections, the right to vote is exercised only in the commune, city, municipality or sector in which the voter has her domicile or residence, as the case may be. Voters vote only at the polling station where the street or place of residence or residence is located and where they are registered on the permanent electoral list (Romanian citizen voters) or on the copy of the supplementary electoral list (European Union citizen voters) .

Romanians voting in the 2020 local elections can do so on the basis of the following documents: identity card, electronic identity card, provisional identity card, identity card or diplomatic passport, electronic diplomatic passport, service passport or service passport electronic, and in the case of military school students, the military service card. Documents must be valid on the day of voting. The elector who possesses an identity card whose validity period would have expired between March 1 and September 27 can exercise their right to vote based on it, established the Central Electoral Office.

2020 local elections More than 18 million voters are expected at the polls. Everything you need to know about exceptional measures and voting

Local elections 2020 – the unknown sea, participation

One of the bets of the 2020 local elections is the mobilization to vote. In the last four years, the participation in the country was 48.44%. The county with the highest participation was Giurgiu (63.35%), while the lowest percentage of participation was recorded in Timiş County (40.87%). In Bucharest, 33.31% of the citizens voted.

INTERACTIVE MAP 2020 Local elections: Attendance to the last two electoral rounds, by regions and in the Capital

VIDEO How do you persuade a 60-year-old man to go to the polls on Sunday? Tudor Chirilă: A city must be thought of as the sum of the generations that cross it

Why am I voting in the 2020 local elections on Sunday? Sociologist Gelu Sunday, in HotNews Live: What reform can you have with a 33% participation? The change happens if you participate in the game.

The first results of the 2020 local elections – Exit poll, at 9:00 p.m.

The first results of the exit polls for the 2020 local elections will be presented at 9:00 p.m. The Central Electoral Office has accredited CURS and AVANGARDE for conducting opinion polls at the polls in the 2020 local elections.

Local elections 2020. HotNews.ro will present during the day relevant information on the development of electoral day and will present the results of the 2020 local elections, the exit polls held in Bucharest and the main cities of the country.
