Air conditioning is more dangerous!


The danger of getting sick with COVID is the closed, unventilated space, says pediatrician Mihai Craiu. This is how aerosols can arrive, just as the smell of cigarette smoke can arrive in the distance, without seeing anything, this is how aerosols can be transmitted, that condensation that we make when we speak or cough or even breathe absolutely calm. Or, in Romania, we are reluctant to naturally air the rooms, because it “draws our current” – it is a myth well ingrained in popular belief, which has no cover in reality, explained Dr. Mihai Craiu to Digi24. In addition, he says that in communities it is much more dangerous for COVID to have air conditioning, so especially in schools and offices it would be good to keep it closed, if natural ventilation is not possible.

“Here I have an emotion: that we will keep the windows tightly closed. If there is an asymptomatic carrier in that class and they sit with the windows closed, nothing happens the first day, not the second, but then there will be infections, because they will take the dose. That is why it is recommended that teachers open classroom windows, ”explained Dr. Mihai Craiu.

The current does NOT “pull”!

“It just came to our knowledge then. Most people are frightened by drafts as a potential source of airborne infections and colds, from the simplest to pneumonia or otitis. Microbes cause these diseases. In principle , the air currents have a really beneficial effect from the respiratory point of view, because they do not allow the accumulation of a concentration of inhalable particles, which we can see, by the way, dust, but also some things that we cannot see.. An unventilated room is more dangerous when it comes to reducing oxygen and increasing carbon dioxide than wearing a mask. In our country, as I said, we are afraid of the current, from public transport to classes and we keep the windows very well closed, even when it is hot ”, said, in Digi24, the pediatrician Mihai Craiu.

“Speaking of heat, it would be wise, at least in the first two weeks after school, when it is not very clear if there are asymptomatic carriers in that class, not to turn on the air conditioning. In the first two weeks, the authorities of countries that have a tradition of central air conditioning – I mean the Americans – recommended not to turn on the air conditioning if the windows cannot be opened, because we transmit these aerosols ”, mentioned Dr. Craiu .

There are also posts about it: the famous study with the Wuhan restaurant, in which someone who sat at the air-conditioned table in the back also infected the tables in front of him. And in the offices, in case the activity resumes after the holidays and we return to work, with whom we do not meet, it is prudent not to turn on the air conditioning. Or if we still let it go, let’s make the effort to ventilate, the doctor noted.

“It must be said that the movement of air through a device itself is not dangerous. The classic example: it is more dangerous to get infected in a restaurant than by plane. There are studies of statistical models. Why? Because the plane, too Every two or three minutes, it takes in air from outside, it doesn’t recirculate much like in a closed, air-conditioned restaurant, but instead brings in air from outside ”, explained Dr. Mihai Craiu.

And the public health expert Răzvan Cherecheș, The professor from Cluj, drew attention to Digi24 that there is a deeply ingrained in popular mentality the idea that “the current affects our health, not to open the windows”.

“It is a myth of Romanian culture and is not based on anything at all. The current, in fact, if you have sinusitis, but we are talking about very rare cases, it is unpleasant to sit in cold air that moves fast, but for the rest of the population, the moving air is extremely, extremely healthy during this period. ” explained Răzvan Cherecheș. Poor ventilation in a crowded room, a situation that is likely to occur with cooling weather and the arrival of rains, will lead to a new spike in new coronavirus infections, he said.

It is no good sitting in a mask for eight hours straight. Scandinavian solution: “mask break”

Mihai Craiu also spoke on Digi24 about the controversy related to wearing masks in school, especially among younger children.

During breaks, where you can observe the distance and where children don’t sit inside, you can remove the mask, says Dr. Craiu.

“It’s not good to spend eight hours, and after school, continuously wearing a mask. Not good, but at the same time, because there are some short breaks, and for those who really can’t stand 40-45 minutes, what time is it? , in the Scandinavian region and in the United States it was invented, so it is called, mask break: the child raises his hand, goes to the window, opens the window, goes two or three minutes without a mask and puts it back on. It is important to teach children that the mask must be manipulated with elastic bands and not touched, so as not to contaminate it, ”explained Dr. Mihai Craiu.

He states that the little ones were not bothered much by the mask, not even the slightly fuller ones, who sweated in the heat. They just changed it when necessary, as one girl told him.

Visors instead of a mask, a good solution for children to “see” the teachers

“Most of the children are happy to go back to school. He is very happy. The general attitude of the boy, who does not even believe in conspiracies, that as a child, those in the preparatory class, they did not really understand why this party was So long, they enjoy interacting with other children, with their teachers. It starts from the idea that in the special place where they go and what they need and that satisfies them, they validate expectations, they have to follow rules. Children think that they They will also wear a mask and wear it for as long as their health allows. There are strategies if a child cannot wear a mask at all. It can have a plastic visor, there are some special ones that are also used by dermatocosmetics and dentists, they look a bit like hockey, but they are not rigid, they are transparent. It could be a very good solution for teachers, so that children can see their lips and facial expressions, ”said the pediatrician.

Let’s not burden children with our emotions!

“I think that at this moment the feeling of joy of the reunion dominates and less this tension with the masks. Parents and grandparents are very concerned and think that the best service they can do for their children is not to pour these emotions into their heads. When children see us very tense, especially young children, they will take on our emotions. Let’s help children get through this moment! “- urges Dr. Mihai Craiu.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
