The state has been selling a pension for years. How much does it cost to buy seniority at work?


The state sells up to 6 years of pension with at least 6,700 lei per year to Romanians who do not have the full contribution period or who want to withdraw from activity faster, without penalties.

The government adopted on Thursday night an emergency ordinance whereby Romanians who have gone abroad and have no income in the country or those who have worked without documents or for very few years can complete their seniority.

The budget needs money this year and next, so the state is selling up to 6 years of pension for those who have not met the minimum period.

These are the retirement conditions in Romania. Women can retire at the standard age of 61 years and 4 months now, and this age is increasing to reach 63 in January 2030. For men it’s simple: the retirement age is 65.

If they have these ages and a minimum contribution period of 15 years, Romanians can retire with the pension that results from the calculation made by law.

But if they want a full pension, then the contribution period must be complete: 31 years for women and 35 for men.

One year of experience costs almost 6,700 lei

The chief chancellor of the prime minister explained how the purchase of a pension works.

Ionel Dancă, Head of the Prime Minister’s Chancellery: „Basically, a person who does not have the minimum contribution period of 15 years, but is of the age of Retirement or some years of contribution are missing from the total contribution period of 35 years, they can enter into a social security contract for the payment of social contributions for the respective periods, at the level of the gross minimum wage per economy”.

In other words, if you were 65 now and you wanted to add a few more years to the internship, be 35 or at least do the minimum 15-year internship, you would come to the counter with the money and ask, how much does a month cost?

If I want a minimum contribution – 558 lei because it is a quarter of the gross minimum wage.

A whole year would mean almost 6,700 lei, and for the 6 years auctioned you would have to pay 8,249 euros. Attention, for this money you get a minimum pension, less than 1,000 lei.
