VIDEO Florin Salam’s brother died after being infected with COVID – News from sources


Florin Salam’s brother died. Nelu Stoian was hospitalized last month at the “Matei Balş” Institute in Bucharest, after becoming infected with coronavirus, announces

Doctors could do nothing to resuscitate Florin Salam’s brother tonight after his heart stopped beating.

Neluțu Stoian’s condition was extremely serious from the beginning, respectively since August, when she arrived at the “Matei Balș” Institute.

Starting with a simple cold, Florin Salam’s brother began to feel worse and worse, and after being tested for the coronavirus, the result was positive.

In addition to the coronavirus, Nelu Stoian also suffered from diabetes, obesity and heart problems, so after becoming infected with COVID-19, the complications occurred were fatal.

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In early August, Florin Salam organized a press conference in front of the “Matei Balş” Institute to force doctors to provide the family with information about his brother’s health.

“I would not have made this gesture of calling all televisions, but we have nowhere to go. We are simply desperate because no one is communicating with us. We ask, we have a sick patient, it is normal to want to know his condition, we are family, they are his children, we are his brothers.

What can we do?! Let’s sit with our hands on our breasts until they tell us it’s ready, is it in the last phase? Regardless of the situation, we need to know what is happening to him, it is our pain ”, declared Florin Salam at the time.

The position of the hospital is as follows: beyond the very serious condition of the patient, which is not the subject of the television talk, every day the family was kept informed, a doctor from the Intensive Care Unit met with relatives and told them Said he explained his condition, the procedures applied to the patient, what is the prognosis and the chances of survival.

Therefore, every day the family was kept informed about the patient’s condition, “said Cătălin Apostolescu, spokesman for the Matei Balș Institute in the capital, on Antena3.
