The end of Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, the first dictator of communist Romania. Theory of murder, devised by the KGB


On March 19, 1965, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, the first leader of communist Romania, passed away. He was still known as a deceptive figure, a fervent supporter of forced collectivization and industrialization, but also the one who created the terrible prison system and political purge in the 1950s. Basically, he was the first dictator of Romanian communism.

Dej’s sudden death raised many questions. Although the doctors’ diagnosis is unequivocal, many are sure that Dej was assassinated by the KGB.

“Romania’s number one patient”

Gheorghe Ghiorghiu Dej officially died on March 19, 1965 at 5:43 pm The doctors’ diagnosis was a metastasis caused by lung cancer. In short, Dej died of lung cancer. But the disease was widespread. Diagnosed in January, it lasted only two months, although it had the help of the best doctors of the time.

“In the second half of January 1965, Comrade Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej showed signs of a lung disease with decreased cough and sero-muco-bloody sputum. On March 19, after 4 in the afternoon, the state of the patient suddenly got worse, the patient went into a coma and died at 5.43 pm, “Scânteia newspaper said at the time. The diagnosis came after the Warsaw Pact conference that Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej attended with a Romanian delegation.

Only a few days after returning to the country, the communist leader began to have an annoying cough. Initially he was consulted by his personal physician Leon Bercu. He was concerned about the bloody secretions Gheorghiu Dej shed after each cough. He was consulted by the best doctors in Romania. They all came to the same diagnosis: lung cancer.

He was treated in extraordinary conditions, including specialist doctors from France. Evolution has been rampant. Within two months, Dej was dying of cancer.

On top of that, in 1964 he had a full annual checkup and he looked healthy. He was also investigated for lungs and they appeared healthy. This detail made many think with suspicion of Dej’s galloping death.

However, it is true that Dej had suffered from lungs after being incarcerated during illegality.

“The Duplicate” Dej, a strange character

Dej caught a cold immediately after returning from Warsaw, confessed Paul Sfetcu, his chief of staff. A sudden cold that evolved rapidly and devastatingly.

It was clear to many that Dej had been irradiated or poisoned, a common Soviet practice of eliminating uncomfortable opponents. All the more suspicious is the fact that almost all of the officers who had provided Dej’s personal security in Warsaw died of cancer.

The communist leader would have claimed, more jokingly, more seriously, a month before he died, that he had been poisoned by the KGB. It would not be the only one. General Pacepa says that he learned from Nicolae Ceausescu that Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej was on a blacklist along with other personalities of the time, including Lucreţiu Pătrăşcanu, Mao Zedong or even JF Kennedy.

Dej’s sin would have been duplicity. He followed Stalinist policies as long as Stalin lived. Then he reoriented himself. In addition to rejecting the Valev Plan adopted by CAER at the insistence of Khrushchev, Stalin’s successor in the leadership of the USSR, Dej had resumed cordial diplomatic relations with the western democratic states, including the United States. President Lyndon Johnson spoke of Romania as “the friendly state of the communist zone.” This was unacceptable from Khrushchev’s point of view. At the same time, Dej became increasingly separated from the USSR, solving the problem of withdrawing the last troops of the Red Army from Romanian territory but also through the famous “Declaration of Independence” of 1964.

General Pacepa, as well as another security officer whose name is unknown, allegedly said that Dej was irradiated by the Russians during the Warsaw conference. He was reportedly housed in a strange room, a school with black floors, no heating, even though it was winter.

At the same time, in Dej’s office, others in his entourage say, a chunk of uranium was found in a wooden box, received in 1956. The chief of staff confessed that it was particularly radioactive and was removed. from the office.

In any case, beyond these theories about Dej’s murder, it is also known that the communist leader had lung problems after the period in which he was imprisoned. Dej’s successor was Nicolae Ceausescu, a former cellmate of the communist leader and also a close collaborator, Dej’s favorite.

Ceausescu rose to power in the confidence of Dej

Nicolae Ceausescu knew how to win Dej’s trust and, at the same time, got rid of the real “illegals” of the party, that is, those who really carried out subversive activities in the interwar period, people who would not have legitimized him at all. .

Busy with other business, Dej left Ceausescu in the hands of the party’s internal organizational structure. It was his chance. Through his tenure, Ceausescu became the second man of the party and, most importantly, dealt with the background of the cadres and their promotion. “In his capacity as head of the Organization Department, Nicolae Ceausescu obtained two important achievements compared to the other dignitaries. The first: detailed knowledge of the party’s policies in all areas. The second: the almost unlimited power over the enormous apparatus. territorial and the creation of a power base within the central apparatus.

The cadres direct everything, said Stalin, whose power in the party had also thickened his roots, “is shown in the play” Son of the people “, written by Lavinia Betea, Cristina Diac, Florin Răzvan Mihai and Ilarion Ţiu. Ceausescu was in charge of elect people in your key positions who are loyal to you and can support you at any time.

“” The misfortune, “Alexandru Bârlădeanu observed too late, occurred because Gheorghiu-Dej, concerned at the time with achieving independence in relations with the Soviets, in relations with China and with CAER, left the internal problems of the party in Ceausescu’s hands. He imposed his people at the regional level. This is how the young dignitaries explained the success of Ceausescu in 1965 “, is shown in” Son of the people “.

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