The man claiming to be the reincarnated Jesus has been arrested by the FSB in Russia. Who is Vissarion and why is he accused?


The guru of a Siberian sect, Vissarion, who had ruled the destinies of thousands of followers for three decades who saw in him the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, which he himself claimed, was arrested on Tuesday by Russian special forces.

Founded in 1991 by Vissarion, whose real name is Sergei Torop, a former employee of the Ministry of the Interior, the “Church of the Last Testament” sect was established in a forest settlement built by its followers in the Kurgan district of the Siberian region. from Krasnoyarsk.

Vissarion and two of his relatives, Vadim Redkin and Vladimir Vedernikov, were arrested on Tuesday, the Russian Investigative Committee said after a joint operation by the FSB (Federal Security Service, former KGB) and the Interior Ministry.

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All three are accused of using the sect to extort money from their disciples and of exercising “psychological violence” against them, causing “serious damage to their health”.

In a video released by the authorities, the suspects are led, framed by men in hoods and camouflage uniforms, aboard a helicopter.

Vissarion gathered thousands of followers in an isolated area of ​​Siberia to create a kind of Noah’s Ark to save humanity from a cataclysm that man is about to cause, according to Agerpres.

However, the “Church of the Last Testament” was not completely isolated from the world, receiving regular visits from the press. Vissarion had gained a certain notoriety in Russia and some of his followers came from Western Europe. Vissarion’s disciples, who lead self-sufficient lives, say that they live in communion with nature and reject meat, alcohol, and tobacco.

Publisher: DC
