FAKE NEWS from the ANTIBOTTLE PROTEST. Carmen Avram: I order the media to remove the information IMMEDIATELY!


Carmen Avram MEP sent a message after the anti-muzzle protest that took place this day in Romania.

According to her, several media announced that Carmen Avram was also present at the protest against masks due to the coronavirus pandemic. On her personal Facebook page, Carmen Avram ordered the media institutions in question to immediately delete the information, as it was false.

Carmen Avram did not participate in the protests. She stated that otherwise, if the information was not removed, she would go to court.

“I did not go to the protest in University Plaza tonight. I publicly order the media institutions that issued this FALSE information (Aktual24, Magna News, the Commissioner and others who quote Digi 24) to immediately remove this information! Otherwise, they will endure the rigors of the law.“Transmitted Carmen Avram, on her personal Facebook page.

Note that DC News did not publish that information.

We remind you that around 200-300 people gathered to protest in the University Square, mainly against the obligation of students to wear protective masks.

In the University Plaza, the protesters held tricolor flags, vuvuzelas, whistles and demanded “schools, not camps.” The participants in the “anti-muzzle” protest had messages against the “health dictatorship.”
