UPDATE VIDEO Anti-mask protest in Bucharest, with hundreds of people not respecting distance measures. Director Cristi Puiu, at the event


UPDATE now 19.15. More than 300 people gathered on Saturday, September 19, in the University Square of Bucharest, to protest against the measures imposed by the authorities to combat the effects produced by the health epidemic caused by the new coronavirus. More than a hundred people gathered, also on Saturday afternoon, in the Victoriei Square of the Capital, for a similar protest.

The director Cristi Puiu and the actress Carmen Tanase were present, on Saturday, at the protest in the Plaza de la Universidad. Some of the protesters came to the protest accompanied by children.

Protesters, including parents, criticize decisions about the use of protective masks inside schools by students. “The school doesn’t have to be a camp,” they shouted in the University Square.

“Down with the dictatorship!”, “Freedom!” and “We don’t believe you!”, “Our children are not your guinea pigs” are some of the chants of the protest participants.

People have tricolor flags, vuvuzelas, whistles and messages against the authorities and against the “health dictatorship.”

The gendarmes are also present at the protest, trying to convince the protesters to respect the protection measures. At the protest in the University Square, people do not wear masks and do not respect the distance measures imposed by the authorities.

“How can you learn the subject of civil rights and liberties when you are in a school cage? How can you learn the history of the French Revolution or the Declaration of Independence of the United States, when you have a mask on your face, like slaves on a plantation? “Will these children understand the values ​​of freedom and justice when they are terribly restricted while teaching? We demand the abolition of aberrant restrictions and online education, “said the organizers.

The movement against the protective mask: who and why supports the breach of the law?

Several communities that denounce the failure to comply with the sanitary measures imposed by the authorities have appeared online, announcing the organization of protests in the country so that students no longer wear a protective mask in schools. The messages of the groups formed are supported by various public figures and often reach the undecided. The sociologist Gelu Duminica explains why there are communities that defy the rules, but also what are the mistakes of the Romanian authorities.

Several groups have appeared in the online environment that vehemently oppose the sanitary measures established by the authorities. One of the communities that appeared on Facebook is called “Fara Botnita” and publishes messages urging not to wear a protective mask in public spaces, against current regulations. In addition, many people take photos without a mask in places where it is mandatory, such as shops or markets.

Community members post and distribute messages such as “When do you think this torment will end: wearing a mask, Covid-19?” or relate personal experiences in which they state that more children fainted at school due to a protective mask or that wearing a protective mask would cause them a sensation of suffocation. In addition, false medical information is distributed. However, physicist Cristian Presura has shown that the use of a protective mask continuously for six hours does not reduce oxygen in the blood.

Failure to use a protective mask in places where it is mandatory, such as in closed public spaces, in commercial spaces, on public transport or at work, is punishable by fines of between 500 and 2,500 lei. The Romanian police reported that no penalties are given for instigating the offense.

“We are on alert, individual protection measures are in force and are mandatory for all citizens, in order to prevent the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and protect the health of all people,” said the Romanian police.


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