Great danger on the borders of Romania! Nostradamus’ shocking prediction for our country


Nostradamus’ famous predictions came true, though not entirely. It is known that even the collapse of the World Trade Center was mentioned by him in his quatrains.

Will Russia invade us?

Scientists have elucidated various prophecies, even for the next few years. The future looks scary, especially since Nostradamus mentioned the events of this year. Here are the prophecies made by Nostradamus.

  • There will be more armed conflicts between many countries. They will last until 2041, and Russia will conquer Romania.
  • A huge wave of natural disasters could affect the planet. Nostradamus mentions that most of England will be flooded. The southern coast of South America will also suffer from the floods. World hunger will also break out.
  • Man will cause serious accidents in Europe and America.
  • The world order is changing. Belarus and Ukraine are expected to become the center of European trade.
  • India or China will have a new tyrannical dictator.
  • Man will arrive on the planet Venus for the first time.

A Romanian, the second Nostradamus

By his real name Michel de Nostredame, Nostradamus (1503-1566) was a famous French physician, Kabbalist, and pharmacist. His fame is due to work The prophecies, the first edition of which appeared in 1555. Since its publication, it has become very popular around the world, creating a cult around it. In the literature of all times he was given the title of forerunner of all the great events that were occurring or were going to occur in the world.

Nostradamus’s works are made up of quatrains, many of which have been misinterpreted or translated over time. His prophecies are closely related to the application of the Bible Code and other works on prophecy.

The most famous researcher of his work and life is the Romanian Vlaicu Ionescu (1922-2002). He studied philosophy in Bucharest, then at the Higher Conservatory of Music and at the School of Ecclesiastical Painting of the Patriarchate. The painting was only a beginning because, after some yoga exercises, asking a transcendent entity what his life course will be, he replied “You will be a kind of Nostradamus”.

He founded the International Center for Nostradamus Studies in the United States and in 1976 published a first study of the famous French fortune teller (Nostradamus’s Message on the Proletarian Age). He foresaw the destruction of the communist system and the collapse of the USSR. With reference to Romania, Vlaicu Ionescu declares that he knew how to decipher in the French headquarters a series of important events in its history: the Union of Principalities, the War of Independence, the Soviet invasion of 1944, the 1989 revolution, the death of Nicolae Ceaușescu.
