Nicusor Dan sues Gabriela Firea for defamation. Explanations of the right-wing candidate after the recording in which he talks with the councilor of the PSD mayor of sector 4 – Politics


Nicușor Dan, the right-wing candidate for Capital Mayor, announced that he will file a defamation lawsuit against Gabriela Firea, who accused him of taking money from thieves, after a recording appeared in public space in which Dan was speaking with an advisor to the mayor. PSD of sector 4 on the demolition of a building in the Orășelul Copiilor Park.

“I will file a civil lawsuit for slander, for slanderous statements, to the incumbent mayor of the PSD, Gabriela Firea, who explicitly said about me that I took money to help citizens on various issues. It is a false statement, so I will have to answer, “Nicușor Dan said at a news conference on Tuesday.

Nicusor Dan presented explanations on the case that attracted criticism from the mayor general, stating that a citizen of Sector 4 “was abused” by the City Council, “which illegally demolished” his property.

“This fact was determined by a final decision of the Bucharest Court of Appeal. Therefore, the court determined, by a final decision, that the Sector 4 City Council abused a citizen. It was demolished without any act, without authorization, without He judged an existing property based on an authorization that even the Sector 4 City Council had given in 2013. Before it was demolished, the respective citizen approached me, a Bucharest parliamentarian, and asked me to help him, and I helped to a man abused by authority, as we have done in the last 15 years with thousands of people from Bucharest, but also some from the country, ”he said.

Nicusor Dan mentioned that he presented himself with the respective citizen to the Ombudsman’s Office, and then went to the Sector 4 City Hall, including two written materials, in which he called the attention of local authorities to the fact that “he would commit an abuse “.

We did not resolve here either and then we intervened in the dispute that this citizen had with the Sector 4 City Council, together with colleagues from the Save Bucharest Association, and the court ruled in our favor. The court ruled, by final decision, that the City Council 4 abusively demolished the property of a citizen, “he added.

In response to allegations that he used the civil service to defend a citizen, Nicusor Dan responded that it is his duty as a parliamentarian to solve the problems of citizens in the constituency.

“The taxi drivers came when the City Council issued a ruling prohibiting taxi authorizations. I went to court, I won. I intervened when the City Council wanted to complete the Cismigiu park. I went to court, I won. I intervened when the City Council company refused to make public the situation of the damages (of district heating, no.) During the last months. I went to court and won, “he said.

On the accusations about the fact that he defended a thief, Nicusor Dan stated that “never, to the thousands of people” who asked for the support of the association, did he not do investigations to see who they are.

“We just looked at whether people were right or wrong. And if they were right, we tried and many times we succeeded, you know, we have 175 lawsuits won in Save Bucharest, we managed to help them,” he said. he.

Regarding the legality of the building, the deputy said that he had a permit issued by the City Council of Sector 4 in 2013 and that “in any legal system in the civilized world, a building permit gives rise to a property right.”

“Only the communist system did not respect the right to property and, in this case, the Sector 4 City Council behaved exactly like the communist state. Although in 2020 the Sector 4 City Council found that it issued an illegal authorization in 2013, it had no right to. It had to go to a judge and the judge, after listening to all parties, had to find out if the authorization was legal or illegal ” , said.

Nicusor Dan said it was ridiculous for PSD representatives to accuse him of corruption, after he spoke during the campaign about “real corruption, hundreds of millions of euros corruption”. He said he would continue his campaign and present new information on Wednesday at 10 p.m.

The clarifications come after the Mayor General accused Nicusor Dan of influence peddling and pressuring city officials for his undercover friend Mitrache, called “Dog.”

Little Dan admitted that he had personally met Mitrache, known as “Dog”, and his wife, and that he openly supported him to stay in the huge illegally constructed building in the green space, certainly for a fee! Like we used to do. In its declaration of assets appear “donations” from real estate entrepreneurs, “wrote the mayor general on Facebook. (Agerpres)
