A decision was made for all Romanians. It is mandatory! What rules do you have to follow


Arafat said that if a person refuses to wear a face mask, they will not be allowed to enter the polling station on September 27, when local elections are held.

According to the head of the DSU, this does not mean that the person cannot vote, but that the hygiene and protection standards adopted must be respected.

In fact, in polling stations, according to Law 135/2020, there will be reserves of masks for those who arrive at the polling station without a mask, says the head of DSU.

Arafat also stated in his message that he posted on his social media page on Tuesday that it is an attempt to create a false scandal through accusations and baseless statements against him.

Here is the full message

Seeing that Romania TV, for several hours, publishes and talks about the “Arafat order” that violates the constitution and that prevents people from voting, I considered it appropriate to clarify the following aspects:

Today Decision 45 of the National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) was issued, which also includes hygiene and protection standards for election day.

Also today, during the government meeting, the government decision to adopt the respective rules was adopted, based on the decision of the CNSU, and a joint application order from the Min. Health and Min. Home Affairs.

The established rules include the wearing of a mask at the voting station for everyone at the voting station, including voters. Therefore, wearing a mask becomes mandatory due to the effect of the legal provisions approved by the government.

During the press conference after the government meeting, one of the journalists present asked me the hypothetical question of whether a person who does not want to wear a mask at the electoral college can vote. And my answer was no, from the moment a normative act was issued a few minutes before that clearly stipulates the rules. Especially as in the polling stations, according to Law 135/2020, there will be reserves of masks for those who arrive at the school without a mask.

So to conclude:
1. This is not an order from Arafat!
2. It is a normative act issued at the government level based on the decision of the CNSU and the recommendations of public health specialists.
3. No one will be prevented from voting, but the use of a mask inside the voting table is one of the minimum measures necessary to protect the commission that will be inside the voting table for hours and the voters who will be inside the voting station. polling station waiting to arrive. center.
4. If someone does not want to wear a protective mask inside the station, it means that they will risk the lives of those around them, including the members of the voting commission. In this case, the president of the commission will have to respect the legislation and not allow those without a mask to enter the voting table, and there must be a reserve of masks at the entrance if someone for one reason or another does not have a mask , therefore, according to Law 135/2020.

The attempt to create a false scandal through unfounded accusations and statements against me and the insistence on presenting myself in the false position of a person who violates the Constitution and the Law, and who prevents citizens from voting, is far from being a journalistic approach of any level. it is only a manipulation and distortion of the truth, ”Raed Arafat wrote on Facebook.
