“At great heights, Venus will live on the planet!”


Astronomers could be faced with a surprising discovery: there could be life on the planet Venus. The announcement was made Monday by scientists from the Royal Astronomical Society after in the planet’s atmosphere a gas called phosphine has been identified. Its presence suggests the existence of certain chemical processes. Usually only appears if they are involved life forms. Considered by many researchers as an indicator of life, phosphine is a toxic and flammable gas produced by bacteria that do not need oxygen. Scientists are amazed that this gas exists in the very acidic atmosphere of Venus. This could mean that an unknown biochemistry is used to survive.

Alexandru Mironov, science fiction writer and director of Digi World, explained in Digi 24 how far life is possible on Venus and what kind of life it could be:

“Organic molecules are immensely powerful, capable of combining with each other to form complexes that we couldn’t even think of. It is suspected that the planet Venus began its life billions of years ago and a transformation of the incipient atmosphere caused its death or it is suspected that through the clouds, for example, life can occur on Venus. When we say lifetime These are not creatures that reach vertebrates, mammals, but simply micro-molecules that almost begin to come to life. I give an example: the viruses that we fear and that are a kind of half-life. So it is quite possible that those combinations in the Venusian clouds – on the planet below, life is impossible, as we feel it, because more than 90 percent is carbon dioxide, the rest is nitrogen and the systems do not work in one breathing as possible – but at great heights, on the planet Venus it will be lived, “said Alexandru Mironov.

On the other hand, he does not rule out the hypothesis that the Earthlings themselves contributed to this:

“It just came to our knowledge then. We, the Earth, send, due to centripetal force, as we receive meteorites from Mars, we also send further, to Venus, into the solar system, due to the Sun’s gravity, and It is possible that this influence came from us to the Venusian clouds. I think that in the future, when it is really possible to investigate at the crime scene, in the clouds of Venus, around the planet, it will be discovered that there are microorganisms. Life is so strong, omnipotent, that where the exchanges of substances in organic molecules begin, they simply lead to an ennoblement of simple matter, ”explained Alexandru Mironov.

The writer believes, on the other hand, that life is eternal, and the sapiens species is “doomed” to eternity because it has that special sense of curiosity.

“I believe that life is eternal, on Earth it is an example, I always affirm that the sapiens species is condemned to eternity precisely because it is so curious. Know that sci-fi writers came to life on Venus long ago! And, in general, when such hypotheses are launched in this very special literature, which develops the imagination, scientists come from behind, put their microscopes, telescopes, manage to investigate in the place and discover that indeed, the truth is what is in who imagines it in the future. I’m not surprised! “Commented Alexandru Mironov, in Digi24, the discovery announced Monday by astronomers.

Editor: Luana Păvălucă
