Day of the Cross: traditions and customs that you must respect for the feast of September 14


Romanians celebrate the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on September 14, an important day in the Christian-Orthodox calendar. It is the oldest festival dedicated to the honor of the cross.

Among the people, the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is also called the Day of the Cross and is considered the date that heralds the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. According to popular tradition, on the day of the Cross, the earth closes, taking with it the insects, reptiles and plants that were exposed in the spring.

If tuna on this day, it will be a long autumn. On the other hand, if a noisy crows card is gathered, the frost will fall. “In the world of villages, it is still believed that, on this day, snakes, before hiding, gather more, coil and produce a precious stone, useful for curing all diseases,” say specialists in ethnography and folklore .

Also on this day, the priest sanctifies the vineyard and the wine barrels, so that in the future the householder may enjoy a rich harvest. The grapes from the last bush should not be picked today. They must be kept as an offering for the birds of the sky, and that is why they are called, in popular language, the grapes of God. In the evenings of the harvest, the inhabitants of Podgorena make bonfires of dried meat, around which they spend food, drink and music.

What is being done today

On September 14, the church sanctifies basil, mint, marjoram and thyme, considered magical plants. They protect believers from various diseases, but they also watch over birds and animals in the yard.
Collect the latest medicinal plants (boz, micsunele, matraguna, navalnic, najit grass, etc.). They are collected in a bouquet of flowers and basil, which people take to church, to place around the cross and be sanctified. Believers keep them at home and use them to cure certain diseases.

Basil is also placed in water containers for birds, to protect them during epidemics.

Flowers are now considered to be mourned because they dry up and die, and those that bloomed after this day (autumn brandy) were considered dead flowers.

For the souls of the dead, new pitchers of alms are filled, filled with clean water or milk and honey, adorned with red thread, covered with a necklace and a candle.

The consecrated coins on this day, kept in the wallet, together with a cross, bring abundance and increase in work.

It is also said that it is not good to eat garlic, walnuts, plums and fish. It is recommended to fast, harshly, to heal the soul and body.

It is not allowed, on the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, to work, so as not to attract danger.

That we celebrate on the day of the cross

The exaltation of the Holy Cross is the oldest festival dedicated to the veneration of the palo santo. On this day we celebrate, in fact, the memory of two special events in the history of the Holy Cross.

The first event is the discovery of the Cross on which the Savior was crucified and his solemn exaltation before the people by Bishop Macario of Jerusalem, on September 14, 335.

The second event is the bringing of the Holy Cross from the pagan Persians. It happened in 629, during the Byzantine emperor Heraclius. He placed it with great honor in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, of the Holy Cross, in Jerusalem.

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