Three students found with COVID-19 at Alba Iulia Military High School. Whats Next


Three cases of COVID-19 were detected among students at the Alba Iulia Military High School. The three students were infected after the mandatory test that is carried out in the accommodation of the school barracks.

The three students confirmed with SARS-CoV-2 are mildly asymptomatic and feeling fine, DSP Alba director Alexandru Sinea said Sunday night on Digi24.

They are ninth grade students at the Alba Iulia National Military College “Mihai Viteazul” and come from Alba, Maramureş and Mureş counties. They were immediately isolated in the school infirmary, from where they were later taken away by their parents, and will remain in isolation for the next two weeks.

The colleagues with whom they came into contact were, in turn, isolated.

The scenario that was taken into account for the National Military School in Alba Iulia was green, with the physical presence of the students in the classes, but with the appearance of these cases, a decision will be made on Monday on how the school year will begin in this school.

If there are three students, in three different classes, infected with SARS-CoV-2, then the three students will go to the medical units, and the other children from that school will be quarantined for 14 days, the school will be closed for 14 days and for disinfection, the Minister of Health, Nelu Tătaru, recently declared.

All military high school students and teachers were screened for COVID-19. It involves 460 students and not all test results are ready.

120 students from 24 counties and from Bucharest were admitted this year to the “Mihai Viteazul” National Military College in Alba Iulia, writes Agerpres. One of the most prestigious educational institutions in Alba, the university was founded more than a century ago.

Web edition: Luana Păvălucă
