Margherita de Clejani says she finished college with 10. What is her job?


Marga, as her family caresses her, is perhaps the most amazing presence in the local world, which has changed over the years in front of the public. From the simple child, who campaigned for traditions learned in the family, to today’s rebellion, it was just one step. From the age of 21, Margherita had begun to show signs that she wanted to separate from her father’s hand, drastically in terms of some principles of life. At the time, she was determined to move out of her parents’ house, live and manage on her own, writes the website.

I wrote to Luceafărul. I took that starlight and divided it into four, five, six. And I don’t think it’s fair for me to take a 6.40 grade. I appealed and my grade dropped! Why? It doesn’t look good to me, ”said Clejan’s girl, angry after the first BAC test she failed.

In 2012, when all the press wanted to fail the Baccalaureate exam, Margherita casually spoke about this episode.

“It just came to our notice then. I’m not the only kid who didn’t get a high school diploma. The first time I gave it to him, he was very tired. I was coming from a concert and I fell asleep on the bench. The second time I went. Great godmother and I went back to sleep, and the third time I learned and I drank. Now, to my father’s happiness, I took the BAC with a high note, more than 8 “, the story was then in” A Sinful Show “.

After passing this jump, the young woman had no more obstacles. Even if, after the marks obtained in the exam, at least in the Romanian language, she did not excel, she enrolled in the Faculty of Journalism, Psychology and Education Sciences – specialization in Journalism, within the Hyperion University of Bucharest. She graduated in 2015 with a grade of 10.
