Mohammad Murad unleashed on Klaus Iohannis: ‘Romania needs a leader like air’ – Source news


Klaus Iohannis is not to the liking of Mohammad Murad, the businessman who maintains a friendly relationship with Rareș Bogdan, one of the fervent supporters of the Cotroceni Palace tenant.

“If I were president for one day, I would reestablish the Romanian state!” He said, in an exclusive interview given to STIRIPESURSE.RO for the millionaire who arrived at the age of 17, from Lebanon, to Romania and who is running, on September 27, for the Mangalia City Council. Murad advises Iohannis to go among Romanians, speak to elites, academics, and writers, be a patriot and a nationalist, and promote local businesses.

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“At this time, I also did not see Iohannis face a businessman. I would have liked to do it very much. It seems old-fashioned that he only promotes those from the Sibiu area because Sibiu cannot be a nursery or the signal that is given from Sibiu No, there are many people who deserve all the respect, the Romanian elite are not respected.

Why didn’t any of the American fans come? Because we can not and were not allowed to send. If we could block a lot of things, they wouldn’t send 200, they would send 1,000. Why do we sell cheap?

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Romania needs a leader like air.

What if I was president for a day? The first thing a normal president has to do is relocate the Romanian state.

The first sign that I would give to the people, I would go among them, in the square, in the street, in the old center, it would show that I am human, that I am one of them. I behave normally, I don’t have 1,000 people around me, everything is relaxed.

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The next day I would say this: I would announce a program for Romania that is based on two branches. One material and one moral. From now on, we will only spread love, joy, happiness, in what matters a lot how a nation should feel. We all have a place in Romania. I would not say about PSD, about the red plague, I would not say about NLP that they are arrogant. Not! I would say that I am at the same distance from all Romanians, both small and large. It would transmit positive energies. As president, I would not say that I am a great fighter against the PSD, against the NLP. Not! I publicly declare that my number one enemy will be poverty. I will fight poverty!

When a person is hungry, he is entitled to anything. That we like it, that we don’t like it… When the child cries from hunger and has no milk, he does not have clothes, we must not give him culture, theaters, politics, multinationals, he does not understand, but you feed him.

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The third day I would go to an area that I consider the locomotive of Romanian society, each one in its profile. What is the Romanian Academy, what is the Writers Union, for successful people. I go to them. If I don’t have symbols, what do I do? You, as a writer, have your role. Fighter in Romania does not mean that it should be only those with a weapon. The fighter is also the one who has the pen, the word.

On the fourth day, if I still opted for capitalism, I would go to the Romanian businessmen who are fighting, I would shake their hand, I would thank them, I would give everyone a diploma from Romania for what they do for Romania. Then he would tell them that “we need them more than ever. Until now there have been wars and generals, colonels, soldiers were needed, now we need you, you are the soldiers of the Romanian army and the national economy, you are the base ”. I would invite everyone, I would assume the Romanian capital, which is not my job, as president, to say that he is smart, he evaded with 3 lei, another illegally sold.

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For me, a citizen is clean to the point of conviction. Good deeds are weighed.

On the fifth day I would invite foreign ambassadors and explain to them that the history of Romania, from Stephen the Great and before, explained its history, I would tell them that we have a history behind us, that we have some traditions that must be respected and we are a nation. A country does not keep traditions and does not respect them, it is not a country ”, said Mohammad Murad.

Also read: Mourning in the political world: He died during the electoral campaign. Visa for the office of chairman of the Dolj County Council.
