Students with symptoms should not go to school. Pay close attention to the backpack


The Strategic Communication Group presents a series of standards and recommendations for health behavior that students should consider at the beginning of the school year to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, according to a press release issued this Friday.

3 things keep us safe us, but also others, in any situation we would be:

  1. The mask It should be used in a way that covers both the nose and the mouth. The mask greatly reduces the risk of spreading the virus! When carried by both the potentially infected person and the uninfected person, the risk of further transmission of the virus is minimized. Wearing the mask indoors (for example, a classroom) prevents transmission of the virus when several people are in a room at the same time. The mask also makes it possible to reduce the minimum distance between people to at least 1 meter indoors. The mask should also be used outdoors when the distance between people cannot be kept at least 1.5 meters or when there are a large number of people in the same area.
  • Do not remove the mask or put it under your chin, especially when speaking near another person or in the classroom. The mask is individual and your own used mask is NOT offered for use by another person.
  1. Distance The physical equipment must be kept at least 1 meter inside, with the obligation to wear a mask, and at least 1.5 meters outside, when the mask is not used. By keeping your distance from other people, the spread of the virus is kept to a minimum. Because particles that can be infectious are spread by simple speech, the use of a mask and physical distance prevent these particles from reaching other people.
  • In the classroom, distance must be maintained both with classmates and teachers, during classes, during breaks or at the time of arrival / departure from classes. In the case of physical education classes, activities that involve direct contact between students or through objects that are frequently touched (for example, team play with the ball) will be avoided.
  1. Hands they must be sanitized or disinfected whenever we touch a surface that may be infected (for example, handles, handles, railings, lifting buttons). It is important to think about who may have touched that surface before us, since with the help of our hands we can transmit most viruses. If our hands are not sanitized / disinfected, then we should NOT touch our eyes, nose or mouth, because the virus can be on our hands and thus infect us. Hands should be washed for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or disinfected. We must be careful to disinfect not only our hands, but also the objects that we frequently carry with us, such as mobile phones.
  • In the classroom, always sit in the same place and avoid touching the objects, chairs and benches of your classmates. Disinfect your hands every time you touch common objects or surfaces (eg chalk, sponge, can). Be careful where you place the backpack so that it is as safe as possible from contamination.

Young people are less affected by the new coronavirus infection, BUT they can spread the virus, even without realizing it, to the elderly and / or those with chronic diseases (for example, parents, grandparents, teachers, people with immune deficiencies) in which the infection can have extremely serious consequences.

  • For this reason, it is very important that young people follow health protection measures and notify them immediately when they present symptoms (eg fever, cough, nasal congestion, chills, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, etc.) .
  • Students with symptoms of illness should NOT attend school and parents must notify the school and family physician.
  • Parents / guardians who bring students to school may NOT enter the educational institution, except in exceptional situations, with the prior approval of the school administration.
  • Students who are part of risk groups in the event of contagion by the new coronavirus (COVID-19), or live with people who are in risk groups, can go to the school online, upon request from their parents, upon certification medical. of the family doctor or the treating doctor.
  • In case of absence from school for at least 3 consecutive days, the student must present a medical certificate from the family doctor upon returning to school.
  • As in previous years, students entering the new school year (for example: kindergarten – small group, mayor – class I, gymnasium – class IV, high school – class IX, post-secondary) must present a certificate of entry to the community that can be issued by the family doctor during the first week of classes, if it is not found in the registration file.

What should students do outside of class?

Key moments for students outside of class:

  • The way to school. If possible, opt for foot traffic and avoid using public transportation. If you need to use public transportation, wear a mask, stay away from other people, avoid touching common areas, and disinfect your hands as soon as you exit public transportation.
  • Recreation with companions. If you wear a mask, keep a minimum distance of 1 meter from your colleagues. If you are outdoors and not wearing a mask, keep a distance of at least 1.5 meters. Avoid exchanging or touching personal items that have been touched by other people (eg cell phones, manuals, supplies, etc.) and disinfect your hands after any contact with common surfaces.
  • Time spent after school. If, after school hours, you are staying with colleagues / friends, be sure to follow the same health rules, regardless of whether the people you meet have symptoms of infection or not. It is preferable for free time to take place outdoors, weather permitting.
  • The way back home. When you return home, make sure that after leaving your shoes at the entrance, you wash your hands, disinfect your personal belongings (e.g. keys, mobile phone), change the clothes you wear outside, and put them separately from the clothing that is worn around the house. Before putting on your new clothes, wash / disinfect your hands. Pay close attention to the backpack and the areas where you put it, as well as the risk of contamination.
  • Interaction with the elderly. The elderly are vulnerable to the new coronavirus, in many cases the infection is fatal. Therefore, they must protect themselves as a priority, avoiding direct contact (eg hugs) and maintaining a physical distance of 1.5 meters. If you meet older people and cannot keep a safe distance, it is recommended to wear a mask.

Read also The Ministry of Education announces that 238 schools in the country are included in the red scenario. The situation in Bucharest

Editing: Robert Kiss
