Loss to the political world. Senator Marinescu: Those who want to vote, who become patriots, will go to the grave


Senator Marius Marinescu highlights two key events this weekend.

This weekend I will light two candles in memory of the great patriots Corneliu Vadim Tudor and Avram Iancu. On Saturday, September 12 at 11 am, at St. George’s New Church, there will be a memorial service for Vadim Tudor, who left us 5 years ago on September 14 (Day of the Cross), 2015. May God rest him in peace!’ Marinescu said.

Also this weekend he is commemorated in Țebea and Avram Iancu. September 10 marks the 148th anniversary of his death, and I will light a candle for him. Crăișorul Muntilor was the model of the Tribune’s patriotism. Every year Vadim Tudor went to Țebea, I accompanied him many times, to light a candle at the grave of the national hero. Certainly in 2020, politicians who want to vote, who will become patriots, will go to Țebea to the grave of the revolutionary. Marinescu underlined.

“The unfulfilled dream of the Tribune was to restore Greater Romania. Vadim’s great disappointment was the act of treason, signed and voted on in the plenary session of the Parliament by the highest dignitaries of Romania in 1997. The Good Neighbor and Cooperation Treaty between Romania and Ukraine recognized the borders established after the pact. Ribbentrop-Molotov, signed on August 23, 1939, after which we lost Bessarabia and North Bucovina. Marinescu said.

There will surely come a day when patriotism will be stronger than betrayal. Then at the grave of the great patriot, Corneliu Vadim Tudor, there will be a pilgrimage and it will be more appreciated, as we appreciate the national hero Avram Iancu today. God rest you in peace! ‘Senator Marius Marinescu concluded for DC News.
