Germany included Iasi county in the list of risk areas and removed restrictions for three other counties


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) reports that the German authorities have included the county of Iași in the list of “risk areas” in Romania for which traffic restrictions apply, and Buzău, Galați and Vrancea have been removed from this category. Wednesday.

Currently, along with Bucharest, 11 Romanian counties are on the list of “risk areas”: Argeș, Bacău, Bihor, Brăila, Brașov, Dâmbovița, Iași, Ilfov, Prahova, Vaslui, Vâlcea, according to a statement issued by MFA.

According to information previously sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the counties removed from the list so far are the following: Buzău (at 09.09), Galați (at 09.09), Gorj (at 02.09), Ialomița (at 20.08 ), Mehedinți (at 20.08), Neamț (at 02.09), Timiș (at 20.08) and Vrancea (at 09.09).

Persons entering the Federal Republic of Germany from risk areas must complete a “landing form” Public Health Passenger Location Form, the Romanian version of which can be found at the following link: https: //www.rki .de /DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Transport/Aussteigekarten-COVID_RO.pdf?__blob=publicationFile.

All persons, regardless of nationality, who enter Germany after being in one of the “risk areas” at any time during the last 14 days before arrival, must undertake self-isolation at home or other suitable accommodation for a 14 days after arrival.

There are two exceptions to this requirement: the first exception applies to individuals who submit a molecular biology test for COVID-19 with a negative result performed no more than 48 hours prior to entry into Germany, by means of a medical certificate translated into German , or English that must be kept for at least 14 days after entry. The second exception applies to people who can take the test within 72 hours of arrival in Germany, with the obligation to strictly observe self-isolation at home until the negative test result is reported.

The test can be performed free of charge directly at the airport, at the GP or at the local health authorities; More information can be obtained on the dedicated phone line 116117.

If the person in question has specific symptoms of COVID-19, the exceptions stated above do not apply. In this case, it is mandatory to complete the period of self-isolation even if you submit the negative test carried out no later than 48 hours before entry into the Federal Republic of Germany or if it is carried out within 72 hours of entry into German territory and the result is negative.

Transit through German territory is not subject to the aforementioned obligations. During transit, it is necessary to avoid any close contact with other people and observe specific protection measures (social distance, hygiene, mask), allowing short stops for food or fuel, but not for tourism, visits, etc. a ..

In case of non-compliance with the obligations of proof, compliance with the self-isolation measure or the transit conditions, the German authorities can impose penalties of up to 25,000 euros.

Editing: Alexandru Costea
