Serious discoveries at Bucharest University: Court of Auditors found 3.8 million lei damage – Source news


The Court of Audit found a damage of 3.8 million lei at the University of Bucharest. The conclusion arises from complaints even made by a UB student, Andrei Nicolae Popa, who led to a financial audit at UB between May and July 2020. “Now it is explained why the UB was desperate to increase the student rates in Full of pandemic! ”, says the student.

“Today I received the address of the Court of Accounts nº 3254 / 02.09.2020 through which I find out that incredible things have been discovered at the UB!

The Court of Auditors found the following deviations from legality and regularity at the University of Bucharest:

– Support a 15,000 lei fine for infringement with the University of Bucharest’s own income, without conducting an administrative investigation to establish those responsible.

– Making erroneous accounting records for a total amount of 2,880,535 lei;

– Failure to inform in the execution account prepared on 12/31/2019 some legal payment commitments for a total amount of 805,066 lei.

– The expenses of compulsory execution amounting to 33,871 lei were recorded in the accounting records in charge of the entity, being borne by the entity with its own income, without conducting an administrative investigation, which constitutes an accounting deviation.

– Financial-accounting deviation due to the fact that during 2019, the University of Bucharest paid with its own income, obligations derived from Civil Judgment n. 6870/2017, namely, the equivalent value of the lack of use of the building in Poienari commune, Argeș county (41,415 lei), and the equivalent value of court costs of 50,475 lei. registered directly with the entity, pending administrative consultation.


The Court of Accounts issued a DECISION of measures for the entry of UB into LEGALITY!

Now it is explained why the UB was desperate to increase student fees in the middle of a pandemic! She had to raise funds to cover the holes in the university budget, holes made by the management and administrative apparatus of the UB! For this, UB students will pay higher rates in 2020 and 2021, to cover the fees given by the management! Do not be afraid! These people will pay for what they did! ”, The student writes on Facebook.
