The bishop of the Hussites was confirmed with Covid-19. The message sent at the start of the pandemic


The bishop of Huși, Ignatie, tested positive for Covid-19 and is hospitalized in the “Elena Beldiman” Hospital in Bârlad.

According to a statement from the Hussite Diocese, Father Ignatius was declared positive, after a test for the SARS CoV 2 virus.

His Holiness took the measure of isolation of the first symptoms, before receiving the results of the test, and after the confirmation he went to enter the Hospital. of Bârlad “, is shown in the declaration.

According to him, the hierarch’s health is good.

Monsignor Ignacio urged, from the beginning of the pandemic, in his pastoral speech on March 22, 2020, to strictly follow the recommendations of the authorities empowered to manage this crisis.

“The virus does not go away on its own, but it does by contaminated people. (…) Paradoxically, the social and physical distance between people coincides with a deeper closeness to Christ and, implicitly, a more intense spiritual closeness between us (…) Take into account only what is officially communicated to you by competent authorities in crisis management, in which we find ourselves, and what the specialists in the field say. The rest is only toxic matter, unnecessarily maintaining anguish and disorder of thought, to throw us into the confusion of gross manipulations and existential clashes. “said the bishop.
