It’s time to decide! Vasile Dâncu, DISCLOSURE. Can change everything


The sociologist Vasile Dâncu turned the books upside down!

The sociologist Vasile Dâncu, president of the PSD National Council, revealed, in the DC Alegi program, of DCNews and DCNewsTV: “There is a moment of truth in the voting booth. This is why voting day is so important. Did you know that on voting day, in the last elections, 13% of those who voted decided? There were also 10% and 15% in the last elections. Exit polls say they decide on Election Day. Of course, not for a single match, that is clear. Half the people say they are still looking for their candidate and we will see them vote. It is not that simple, and many of the polls that are being published now are published by the parties or in the electoral space of the parties, and they choose the positive. We may see a different reality at the polls than in today’s polls. No ruling party stands, just as no plane remains in the air. All the government parties land at some point and not in the calmest way, usually in Romania ”.
