How Aspirin From “Las Fierbinți” Rejected Director Oliver Stone: “I Was Actually Cursed”


Actress Mirela Oprișor, who plays the character Aspirina in the series Las Fierbinți, revealed in an interview with Pro TV correspondent Vitalie Cojocari how she rejected famous director Oliver Stone.

“Oliver Stone came to Romania, with an outside producer, and they called me for a film rehearsal, for the role of the young Elena Ceaușescu. Actress Faye Dunaway played the old Elena Ceaușescu, and I played the young woman. In. a rehearsal, it was bad in English. And they called me to do a casting in Hungary, in Budapest. And I told them: “Sorry, I can’t, in three days I’m at the Gala Hop” in Mangalia. And the producer said: ” What is that? “She was surprised, she actually cursed me, she told me that she was notsuch a thing in your life. That movie had never been made before, “Mirela Oprișor said during the show. “Vitalie Interviews”.

The actress of the hit series “Las Fierbinți” recounted another important episode in her career, when she worked with the famous director Francisc Ford Coppola.

“I hadn’t made a movie before. Director Radu Muntean took me, by ‘The role will be blue,’ after he learned that Francis Ford Coppola discovered a young woman at the Comedy Theater. Francisc Ford Coppola went to the play “Chirița of Bârzoieni”, directed by Iarina Demian, where Tudor Chirilă played. And he was invited by Tudor Chirilă and he came with one of his sons. I took a little role, a nurse, but I helped him make his frames. He -he told me : “Look at her, you’re going to make a movie!” Then Radu called me at the newspaper will be blue, where he had three lines, and then he called me for “Tuesday, after Christmas” “, revealed Mirela Oprișor.

Watch the full interview with Mirela Oprișor in VIDEO
