Madalina Manole’s father dies: the man was hospitalized in ATI, after he was infected with COVID-19 – News from sources


Sad news on the show! Madalina Manole’s father passed away at the age of 77. Ion Manole was intubated and was breathing with the help of a mechanical ventilator, România TV announced.

The man arrived at the medical unit on Thursday where he had to be intubated immediately, except that there was no free bed in the Intensive Care Unit. Finally, a place was offered after the condition of one of the patients admitted here improved and allowed to be transferred to another room.

Unfortunately, the artist’s father lost his fight with life on Wednesday, September 9. Madalina Manole’s brother recently posted a message on her Facebook page, confirming the sad news. “GOD rest in peace, father! You are now with your daughter and your wife!” Wrote Marian Manole.

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Ion Manole, the father of the late artist, arrived at the hospital, after feeling very ill, infected with coronavirus. “When I left, I did not find my father at all well. With very high blood sugar, he no longer took medications. While he was in the hospital, the family had no right to come to see him. He had no COVID symptoms, he had no fever He did not cough, did not breathe with difficulty, did not contact anyone, not even me, before they tested positive.

I did not contact the Focsani hospital, the people here called distribution. And the people here told them that it was a free place. It is very difficult. I hope his health doesn’t get worse, but for now I have been told that he is quite fine, but urgently needs intensive care. And the dancers at the County Hospital said to wait a little longer. (…).

Yesterday morning (no: Wednesday morning) he found out, when I took him with the emergency rescue. I was discharged from the hospital last Friday, after 12 days with a milder form of COVID. I’m scared because I’ve seen what happens to people his age, but I know he’s strong and will get through this phase. I think of those who put my sister in the pit, who put my mother and who want to put him and he would be happy. But horses don’t die when dogs want them, “Marian Manole said a few days ago.

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