“School begins on September 14 in completely different conditions. The decision to open schools, although not easy, is correct and necessary”


“The school begins on September 14 in completely different conditions. We have only a few locations where it will resume exclusively online, and in others, in a hybrid system. Central and local authorities have implemented procedures to limit the risks of Covid transmission 19, but its effectiveness depends on the collaboration of teachers – students – teachers.

Limiting access to education has significant negative consequences and affects the future of all of us. The decision to open schools, although not easy, is correct and necessary. I highlight the efforts of local authorities to provide schools with everything they need. I thank the teachers and school leaders.

I also speak to my parents, who are worried and concerned about how things will turn out: I encourage them to send their children to school. If we follow all the rules, we will overcome this situation.

Local elections: they have already been postponed, now measures have been taken to protect citizens. We do not know how long the pandemic will last and that is why local elections cannot be postponed indefinitely. Provisionality and lack of legitimacy are detrimental to democracy.

The electoral campaign has already started, candidates can publicly present their projects. Unfortunately, there is no lack of demagogic initiatives, it is a competition between projects. The champion of projects without coverage is PSD. I call for political decency. Creating false expectations is a toxic electoral practice that hurts people. Dear Romanians, find out, compare the electoral offers and make an informed decision, “was the message from Klaus Iohannis.

Press questions

Journalist: There are many signals from the country about confusing situations regarding the school. They are common on the red list where mayors say they have no tablets or internet signal. There are parents who are reluctant to send their children to school. What rating would you give to the authorities involved in this process?

Iohannis: I refrain from giving a grade before classes start. In thousands and thousands of schools, people have solved problems, the vast majority of children will go to school. Of course, like every year, unfortunately there are exceptions, unresolved issues, but they can be resolved. We found exemplary participation in both local and central authorities. Perhaps it is not so bad that the school starts in the electoral campaign, every mayor wants to show that he is involved. It is not possible for the capital to solve the problems of all schools in all communities.

Journalist: Don’t you think there is a risk that these exceptions will make children who were still vulnerable vulnerable?

Iohannis: The government and local authorities will take care of vulnerable children. I am convinced that the world will get involved and solve them.

Journalist: More and more voices from civil society warn that although electoral events are allowed, the right to protest is restricted. Protesters risk a criminal case for thwarting the fight against the disease. Do you intend to participate?

Iohannis: It is a very interesting topic. I am of the opinion that if the rules are followed, I think that forms of protest could also be organized. I think the authorities are quite afraid of not respecting the rules, I have seen demonstrations that have not been observed and that does not help anyone.

Journalist: Yesterday a document appeared in which the former Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici informed Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă since last year that pensions cannot be increased by 40%. PSD continues to demand a 40% increase. How do you see the pressures of the PSD?

Iohannis: Apparently, there would have been no money, even if there hadn’t been a pandemic. Now the budget has been reduced considerably. However, me too. and the prime minister wanted a raise for retirees. That was possible, as in the case of assignments. I go back to what I said before: it is a pity that PSD has not understood anything from here and still gives the impression that more could have been done. It couldn’t have been. These PSD attempts to correct through Parliament are pathetic, populist, electoralists, they do not honor them.

Journalist: If you can double your allowances and increase your pensions by 40%, what will you do?

Iohannis: I’ll tell you then. But the budget cannot support such a thing. This is the reality.

Journalist: The economy has suffered the biggest drop, the leu is depreciating. The government has announced that it is working on the 2020 budget. Will it support a pension freeze law?

Iohannis: There has never been a cut in wages and pensions. It’s stupid PSD. There was no such thing. But the 2021 budget must be built with great care, it is preferable that the budget is discussed and approved by the new Parliament, the result of the elections, and not by this Parliament. There is no talk of cuts in wages and pensions, excluding such a thing. The economy recovers after a rebound in the second quarter towards a normal course, with increases in salaries, pensions and investments. I fought for important European funds.

Reporter: How do you think the students will be able to wear their mask, did I see you touch the mask several times?

Iohannis: I am convinced that they will get used to it quickly. Children quickly get used to things even less pleasant

Reporter: NLP sources say Prime Minister Orban is not satisfied with Ministers Monica Anisie, Lucian Bode and Cătălin Predoiu. What makes you unhappy with these ministers?

Iohannis: I am not going to evaluate the ministers, it is an activity reserved for the prime minister. But the history of reorganizations is a simple campaign history. I did not speak to the prime minister about dissatisfaction or possible reorganizations, nor is that the case. When the prime minister decides to make a change, he will probably tell me. But it was not discussed, it is not an issue.

Journalist: We are talking about 5,000 schools that don’t have internet access, as Deputy Prime Minister Raluca Turcan said. Are you satisfied with this problem?

Iohannis: There are discussions with the telecommunications operators and they will be resolved. If we look at what situations were to be resolved, perhaps the result was unexpectedly good.

Journalist: A company has stopped testing the Covid vaccine due to problems. What are your expectations at this time?

Iohannis: The WHO said that it is very unlikely that we will have a vaccine in 2020. Pharmaceutical companies are working very hard, the EU has provided financial support to companies. We will know the end result when the first approved vaccine is released.

Journalist: What will Romania do, will it wait for the decision of the European Commission?

Iohannis: We are a big family, we are the people on Earth who all want a vaccine. These agreements made in the UN and the EU will be respected.

Journalist: What solution has the government communicated for children who do not have access to online education?

Iohannis: It is an unsatisfactory situation, it must be resolved quickly. Solutions will be found.

Journalist: Will you attend the opening of the school year on Monday?

Iohannis: These festivities shouldn’t be organized this year. It is difficult to keep people at a distance, it is difficult to organize, it is possible for children to crowd. I am not the Minister of Education, but my opinion is that it is not good to organize such festivities. Consequently, I will not participate in any opening parties for the school year.

Journalist: Last night, in Sector 1, a grotesque campaign event took place. How would you characterize the campaign so far? What do you expect from NLP?

Iohannis: I want decent, civilized campaigns, without excesses. I hope to capture the moments when such demonstrations no longer occur. What do I expect from NLP? NLP is the most important game today and it must prove it. I expect a record result, to have more local elected officials than they have ever had in the last 30 years.

The PSD occupies more than half of the positions in the local administration and I hope not to occupy as many positions after the local elections. My expectation is that NLP gets the most mandates it has ever gotten.

Journalist: Do you think it was too short a time to defeat the legacy system?

Iohannis: This government started to solve the problems until the elections, to approve the budget. He solved them, he managed the pandemic, and I am convinced that after the elections he will be able to solve the systemic lags inherited from the PSD.

Journalist: Political leaders spoke about the abolition of the Local Police, do you agree?

Iohannis: There are local police officers who work very well, others who have management or operational problems. My opinion is that the powers should not be abolished, but clarified. The Local Police is subordinate to the mayor, he is elected.

Journalist: The Minister of Foreign Affairs announced 100,000 euros for Belarus. Do you intend to invite Svetlana Tihanovkaia to Bucharest, he was in Warsaw today? Do you agree with Lukashenko’s sanction, as demanded by Manfred Weber?

Iohannis: We are discussing these issues in the EU. Until now, the approaches have been common and will continue to be common. I don’t think it is a topic that we can discuss like this, in any case. Romania stocks are the ones you know.

Journalist: Is the dispossession by absorption in NLP a success?

Iohannis: There are exceptional cases, I expressed my opinion and I tell you, you can also use your sources, it is almost over.
