Clotilde Armand was dusted off by a citizen on the street through a simple video. When the girl who was filming asked him a question, the USR-Plus candidate for City Hall Sector 1 ran away.
Instead of answering, Clotilde Armand preferred to leave. Lucian Romașcanu, a PSD senator, made a comment upon viewing the images.
The first and probably the last “different” political action of the RSU was the permanent harassment of anyone and everywhere with telephones filming anything without stopping.
“People needed to know!” In the plenary session of Parliament, in the corridors, in the streets, you could find a Tefelist user willing to transmit everything to the people, live.
What do we do when the camera is in front of them? To run …
Distinguished Clotilde, always hopeful, never primary (sic!), She runs better than she talks.
To be remembered and vote accordingly, ”wrote PSD Senator Lucian Romașcanu on Facebook.
Look here at the dialogue, in fact … the lack of dialogue, between Clotilde Armand and a young woman who asked her questions on the street: