Agreement between Ludovic Orban and Monica Anisie ….


Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Friday that there is a possibility for students to go to physical school only from October 1 and take online classes from September 14 to 30.

“There have been discussions on this issue (for schools to start physically from October 1, and for classes to be online between September 14 and 30). There are opinions expressed by specialists, especially doctors, who say that both teachers, as well as the children, in a very high percentage, return from vacation, because a large part of those infected said that they come on vacation ”, says Ludovic Orban.

He claims that no such decision has been made, but if it is, it will be announced in due course. “For now, things are as I announced. The decision to open the school will be made locally. (…)”, the prime minister also said.

Orban said it was a discussion about starting an online school and in the context of local elections. “Here we can have a solution, give a day off before the elections and another after, so that the schools where the polling stations are organized are prepared,” the prime minister explained.

Read also: Dr. Mihai Craiu: “The question is not whether school should start, but how to start safely.” When danger arises for children

Later, the prime minister returned with clarifications. Students will start going to school from September 14, a date set by the Government, and not from October 1.

“Where did you get this scenario from? (…) Does something that is not news become news? It seems strange to me. I said that there were opinions expressed by epidemiologists, as a result of epidemiological investigations, that found that many of those infected returned from their stays. And that there are points of view related to the fact that the disease must be consumed in a period of time ”, he quoted Ludovic Orban to

The prime minister stressed that he expects a point of view from organized groups of doctors.

“But no decision has been made, I said. It has not been officially discussed at the government level, we are awaiting the point of view of the organized groups of specialists in the matter and depending on that we will announce, if there is something to announce,” he said. Ludovic Orban. .

Monica Anisie: The decision to reopen the schools is made by each County Emergency Committee depending on the infection rate.

Also read: Monica Anisie: About 80% of schools ready to open schools

Education Minister Monica Anisie said that “there were such discussions, especially with public health specialists, and this scenario was proposed in which to start the school year later. But at the moment we are in evaluations ”.

The Minister of Education added that on September 7 we will know what scenario we are in, depending on the epidemiological situation, and on September 10 we will have a decision from the Regional Committee on Emergency Situations. Depending on the infection rate in a locality, school courses can be conducted online.

“Specifically, if in a locality the DSP says there is an epidemiological risk – 3 cases per thousand inhabitants – then the school must be prepared online. So we start Sept. 14 online until DSP communicates another scenario.

That is, the fact that the epidemiological situation is no longer serious and we can move on to another scenario. Another example, we can start in the green scenario – with all the students in the school, with distance, and if it is not possible to distance, then there must be separators between students – and 3 cases appear in different classes, the school closes “, said Anisie ..

The opening of the 2020-2021 school year, decided on September 7

Public health directorates must inform school inspectorates and emergency committees about the epidemiological situation at the local level before 7 September. Depending on each local situation, measures will be taken to start the school, based on various scenarios, according to a draft ministerial order published on the website of the Ministry of Health, consulted by Agerpres.

The county schools inspectorate proposes for approval to the Provincial Council for emergency situations the operational scenario of each school in accordance with the epidemiological situation of September 7, the infrastructure and existing resources in each school, according to the draft law.

Subsequently, the Regional Committee for Emergency Situations will send until September 10 the decision on the operating scenario of each school for the start of the 2020-2021 school year.

“The epidemiological criterion based on which schools will follow one of the three scenarios is the cumulative incidence rate (total number of new cases in the last 14 days per 1,000 inhabitants). In the context of the confirmation of one or more cases of COVID-19 at the educational unit level, the criteria for suspension of school courses in the educational units of this document will be applied, the class or the entire school may be closed for 14 days, the courses will be held online ”, the project provides .

In turn, when 3 confirmed cases of the COVID-19 disease appear in different classes of the same educational unit, the school courses of the educational unit are suspended for a period of 14 days from the start date of the last case.

In case of cases of COVID-19 disease among teachers, they have the obligation to notify the school management, which will inform the DSPJ.

Read also: SCHOOL YEAR 2020-2021. Measures proposed by the director of a state school for the resumption of courses

“A discussion about a possible postponement of the physical presence (of children and teachers in the school – no.), An official discussion did not take place. This must be understood, there was no official discussion. There are certain points of view and These points of view will be clearly analyzed, and I believe that more and more communication is needed with parents, I know that it was a press conference of both ministries, Health and Education, these things must be repeated, explained, explained again, up to everyone they understand how things will go, ”said Raed Arafat.

Raed Arafat also confessed that there were no official discussions about postponing school until after the elections: “There are no discussions at all, I had no discussions, I did not participate in discussions, because, as a general rule, when there are discussions we are more many are called to These discussions and some discussions are carried out within the Technical-Scientific Group within the CNSU, which I personally coordinate. There are many experts, epidemiologists, patients with infectious diseases, INSP, Ministry of Health, other ministries. There has been a discussion. formal in this line, we will see if there will be any discussion or if these proposals will be analyzed ”.
