“There are certain points of view, there has been no official discussion”


The head of the Emergency Situations Department, Raed Arafat, said on Friday that there was no “official discussion” about the scenario for students to physically return to school starting October 1 and for the 2020 school year to begin- 2021. September 14 with two weeks of online education.

“The discussion about a possible postponement of the physical presence (of children and teachers in the school – no.), An official discussion did not take place. That must be understood, no official discussion has taken place. There are certain points of view and these points of view will be clearly analyzed, and I think we need to communicate more and more with parents. I know it was a press conference of both ministries, Health and Education, these things must be repeated, explained, explained again, until everyone understands what is going to happen, “said Arafat on Antena 3, asked if they have in account calculation of scenarios according to which school should start on October 1.

The secretary of state also said there was no discussion or possible postponement of the school until after local elections.

“There are no discussions at all, I had no discussions, I did not participate in discussions, because, as a general rule, when there are discussions, we are called to these discussions and some discussions are held within the Technical-Scientific Group, which is within CNSU , which I personally coordinate. There are many experts, epidemiologists, patients with infectious diseases, INSP, Ministry of Health, other ministries. At this time there has been no official discussion on this line, we will see if there will be any discussion or if they will be analyzed. proposalsRaed Arafat was quoted by Agerpres.

What Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Friday that authorities held talks about the start of the school year with physical presence in classes starting on October 1, and until then classes should be online, but no one has yet been taken. decision.

“Of course there were discussions On this subject, there are opinions expressed by specialists, especially doctors, epidemiologists, infectious, who say that both teachers and children, in a very high percentage, return from leave, that in epidemiological investigations a large part of those infected said who were on vacation or a weekend, on a vacation trip and this was discussed, No decision has been made yet In this regard. Obviously it will be announced in time if a decision will be made, so far there are some opinions that have been expressed“Said Ludovic Orban, he asked if the authorities are considering the possibility of schools starting classes with physical assistance to classes from October 1, and between September 14 and October 1 the courses will be held in line.

Asked if the authorities are confused by local elections At the reopening of the schools, the prime minister replied: “There was also a discussion on this issue here, also as an argument to start the online school, in this sense it was used, but here we can have a solution, give a day off before the elections and a day off after the elections, so that it can be prepared … in the schools where the electoral colleges are organized ”.

Web edition: Luana Păvălucă
