UPDATE The file on the Bode accident, transferred from the Bucharest Military Prosecutor’s Office to Gabriela Scutea / Arguments of the General Prosecutor’s Office – Essential


The criminal case opened in the case of the accident involving the SPP car in which the Minister of Transport, Lucian Bode participated, was taken from the Military Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Bucharest Military Court by the Military Prosecutor’s Office, at the disposal of the Attorney General Gabriela Scutea. The rapprochement takes place on the same day that the case reached the Bucharest Military Prosecutor’s Office, rejected by the Pitești prosecutors.

“I received an order from the Prosecutor General about the taking of possession of this file by the Military Prosecutor’s Office of the General Prosecutor’s Office,” Bogdan Pirlog, deputy chief prosecutor of the Military Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Bucharest Military Court told HotNews.ro.

Arguments of the Attorney General

“The file is taken by the Military Prosecutor’s Office of the General Prosecutor’s Office because the implications of international cooperation are possible, involving two foreigners, but also given the difficulty of the case,” the spokesman for the Attorney General Alexandru told HotNews.ro. Ionescu.

The criminal case for the crime of culpable bodily injury, registered with the Prosecutor’s Office of the Pitești Court, was rejected by this structure to the Military Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Bucharest Military Court and registered by the military prosecutors on Thursday morning.

Bogdan Pirlog, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Military Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Bucharest Military Court, told HotNews.ro on Thursday morning that according to military regulations, the Protection and Guard Service was obliged to report this accident to the Military Prosecutor’s Office and did not. , so checks will also be carried out in this regard.

“Any military institution is obliged to report any incident to the Military Prosecutor’s Office. The SPP did not report this incident to us, so on Thursday morning we sent an official address, but they did not respond either. Under these conditions, the Military Prosecutor’s Office will also verify the failure to report this accident by the SPP ”, declares the Deputy General Prosecutor of the Military Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Bucharest Military Court.

Another file opened by Bogdan Pîrlog assumed by the Military Prosecutor’s Office is the file of August 10. We also remind you that in April, the military prosecutor Bogdan Pîrlog was left without the file in which he filed a complaint and opened the investigation into the splitting of some journalists and prosecutors. So, the direction of the Attorney General decided to send the file to DIICOT.

How the accident in which Bode was involved happened

The accident took place on Sunday in the town of Drăganu in Argeș county.

  • “From the controls carried out by the police officers of the Argeș Road Service, it was determined that a Volkswagen Touareg car that was traveling from Vâlcea to Pitesti, in the opposite direction, collided with a car that was regularly circulating in the opposite direction, under the conditions of an overtaking The driver of the first car and a passenger in the second car, a woman of Polish nationality, were also injured in the traffic accident, and the driver of this car is also a Polish citizen.
  • The two people who suffered injuries received medical attention on the spot, without having to transfer them to the hospital, ”explained the spokesman for the Argeș County Police.

The Volkswagen Touareg car involved in the accident, in which Transport Minister Lucian Bode was driven by an SPP employee, and the car belongs to the Protection and Surveillance Service.

A motorcyclist in traffic filmed the officer’s car as it passed a column of cars in traffic, in a continuous line, and released the footage. He also caught the moment when the official car passed him, hearing the sound of a siren. The car passed one car after another, in a continuous line, on a bridge, most likely in the locality. The car in which Bode was going was going in the opposite direction, also over the bridge and in a continuous line. The filming posted on YouTube is interrupted at some point, but the video continues with images from the crash site.

The Minister of Transport could not be reached for a point of view. In fact, in the few days since the accident, he had no public reaction.

President Klaus Iohannis commented on Wednesday, responding to a question, that it is difficult to make a comparison between the accident in the official column of former Interior Minister Gabriel Oprea and the one in which Lucian Bode was involved. When asked if he thought the Transport Minister should resign, Iohannis replied: “I don’t think so.”

What SPP says

The Protection and Guard Service sent the first official reaction this Wednesday, a few days after the accident of the Minister of Transport, Lucian Bode. The institution says that the car belongs to SPP and was “on a mission with the acoustic and light signals started according to the law.” SPP also states that it “regrets the inconvenience caused to road users”:

  • “A car of the Protection and Surveillance Service, on mission, with the acoustic and light signals turned on according to the law, was involved in an accident on the DN7, in Argeș county.
  • The car, driven by an SPP employee, was driving on this road in extremely busy traffic conditions and in the area of ​​the town of Drăganu, it collided with another car.
  • After the impact, only the SPP employee needed medical investigations, his health was good.
  • The Protection and Surveillance Service regrets the discomfort created for the participants in the traffic ”.
