War on the police! Coarnă makes serious accusations after Vasilescu’s last gesture, before retiring


Dumitru Coarnă, president of the National Union of Police and Contract Personnel of Romania (SNPPC), launched serious accusations, after Liviu Vasilescu, the head of the Romanian police, resigned yesterday.

The deputy chief of the Capital Police, Commissioner Radu Gavriş, was assigned to the Harghita County Police for a period of six months, the Romanian police announced on Tuesday. The decision was made by the Romanian police chief, Liviu Vasilescu, before resigning.

“There are those who are still withdrawing these rights”

“Mr. Gavriş has two criminal problems. He has almost 10 billion old damage from falsifying some collective timesheets. It was an increase in the danger of biological contamination in the investigation at the site. He marked everyone as, out of ten years in on-site investigation on biological contamination or in relation to corpses or exhumations, that is why he falsified the collective assistance sheets. There are those who are still withdrawing these rights. There are things very clear. The second problem is with the disclosure of information not intended for advertising. There are four officers from Omoruri, sent by Mr. Gavriş, who collected the images of three houses in the respective area. People lied that they used them in criminal cases and left them in the press.“said Dumitru Coarnă.

See also: Iulian Surugiu, after Vasilescu’s retirement: asked to resign

“Mr. Gavriş relies on a friendship with the prosecutors”

“Mr. Vasilescu says he left for political reasons, and Mr. Gavriş was transferred to Harghita. This is a certain period. Mr. Gavriş had to be removed from there because he is doing a lot of damage to the Police. It is a star who did nothing, is a cardboard policeman, “he added.

“If the people of the Ministry of the Interior want to do a correct investigation, it has a correct result. If they want to get into this mess, in this mud, to interfere, to cover up the crimes, we will not have any correct answers. Mr. Gavriş, in the opinion I have many criminal acts that the Ministry of the Interior and the Prosecutor’s Office should investigate. Mr. Gavriş relies on a friendship with the prosecutors. If you look at that search warrant that the Capital Police tried to take immediately after the event, the information is extremely clear. Mr. Gavriş suggested to the prosecutor and the rights and freedoms judge not to issue this authorization. because someone wanted to professionally try to get a permit to go immediately to collect blunt objects. One is to go immediately after committing the events and another is to go to ten days. There we were talking about blunt objects that caused that crime, traces of blood. Those had to get up immediately, “said Dumitru Coarnă.
