Whoever has a heating plant in the house, beware! Important announcement for millions of Romanians


It rejected the proposal of Călin Popescu Tăriceanu, which supports the subsidy for the purchase of individual apartment floors.

Regarding the idea of ​​the ALDE candidate for the Capital Mayor’s Office, Chiriţă specified that it would imply the existence of 550,000 thermal power plants, which would increase the degree of contamination:

“Scenarios are spreading about the future of district heating in Bucharest. One of them is the subsidy for the purchase of apartment power plants, which we do not consider suitable for a large urban agglomeration like the Capital.

Regarding the environmental impact, it is better to have a smaller number of plants – located on the outskirts of the city, which allow a certain height of the chimneys and the dispersion of pollutants – than a large number of plants throughout the city.

Imagine that you live in Bucharest and 550,000 apartment heating plants evacuate pollutants to your window every day. “

In the same press release sent by PMB, he also highlighted that when making a new investment a cost-benefit analysis is essential.

It is based on calculations showing its superior efficiency:

“The concept of sustainable development has oriented the authorities’ measures towards the elimination of the producers of harmful substances from the cities so that the health of the inhabitants of the agglomerated areas is not affected by the combustion gases.

An applicable model in the Capital is that of the city of Copenhagen, where more than 80% of the inhabitants are connected to the central heating system and benefit from all its advantages ”.

Furthermore, the public administrator pointed out that the European Directives also provide for the use of a central heating system.

Its function is to ensure a low degree of pollution by placing heat producers on the outskirts of the city, as is the case of the CHP ELCEN.

“Currently, our goal is to increase the efficiency of the existing district heating system and not to develop parallel systems.

The viable solution for Bucharest is to continue the modernization of the distribution network, begun in the last four years, and to invest in new sources of production, in cogeneration, which will use new non-polluting technologies.

It is necessary to build at least two new thermal power plants in the Capital, through the joint effort of the local and central administrations.

In this way, both the quantity and the quality of the thermal agent delivered to the centralized system would increase. “

Chiriţă also touched on the district power plant scenario, recently raised by the PMP candidate for the capital City Council, Traian Băsescu.

He pointed out that, “in addition to being polluting,” to achieve this scenario it will be necessary “to give up the European money destined for the modernization of the district heating network.”

In Chiriţă’s opinion, the financial sources of the local budget should be found in this way, which would further burden the “Bucharest local budget”.

“The heating and hot water stayed on the stage that we left them. I did the measurement during my mandate, I modernized and automated the 756 thermal points and since then it was known that the RADET will go bankrupt, with the measurement at block scale.

Everybody knew, nothing was done. What was the assignment? Behind the new automated thermal points, the district’s power plants had to be moved, to be coupled to one, two, three thermal points, depending on the number of blocks, ”explained Traian Băsescu, former Mayor General of Bucharest.

source: Agerpres
